
The New Babies’ Home (editor’s note: Brighton]

This is an image which was published in the Mission to the Streets and Lanes’ newsletter, In our midst in 1915. It shows a building adjacent to the Children’s Home in Brighton which the committee had recently purchased, with plans for it to become a new babies’ home.

The Children’s Playground

This is an image which was published in the Mission to the Streets and Lanes’ newsletter, In our midst in April 1903.

St Aidan’s House

The former St Aidan’s Orphanage was classified by the National Trust in 2000.

Old Geelong Orphanage Asylum and Common School

This building was first classified by the National Trust in 1975. The Statement of Significance reads: ‘A substantial two storey bluestone orphanage with sandstone trim, built in 1855 in the Scottish style and significant as an important early social institution of the Geelong district’.

“Baltara” Reception Centre – recreation room

This is a copy of an image published in the annual report of the Social Welfare Department for 1968-69.

“Baltara” Reception Centre – bedroom for three boys

This is a copy of an image published in the annual report of the Social Welfare Department for 1968-69.

Play Reading – child care and youth leadership students at Training Division

This is a copy of an image published in the annual report of the Social Welfare Department for 1965-66.

Education block, Malmsbury Youth Training Centre

This is a copy of an image published in the annual report of the Social Welfare Department for 1967-68

Staff residences, Malmsbury Youth Training Centre

This is a copy of an image published in the annual report of the Social Welfare Department for 1967-68

The art instructress prepares for a clay modelling session in the art room, “Winlaton” Youth Training Centre

This is a copy of an image published in the annual report of the Social Welfare Department for 1969-70