
Colac Family Group Home

This is a copy of an image from page 62 of Advancing This Good Work: a history of Glastonbury Child & Family Services by Donella and Catherine Jaggs.

‘Pirra’ Girls’ Home, Lara

This image appeared on page 26 of the Social Welfare Department’s annual report for the year ending 30 June 1964.

Negative – Ballarat, Victoria, 1934 [editor’s note: Nazareth House in background]

The fleet of rowing boats owned by D. A. Gill. Gill ‘s boat house on the left and Nazareth House in the background.

The children’s council in session, “Orana”, Burwood

This is a copy of an image which was published in Superintendent Mathieson’s PhD thesis titled The Institutional Care of the Dependent Child. The ‘Children’s Council’ was an increasingly common feature of children’s homes by the 1950s. The Children’s Council was a forum for children and staff to work together and to discuss matters related…

Entrance to the children’s chapel, “Orana”, Burwood

This is a copy of an image which was published in Superintendent Mathieson’s PhD thesis titled The Institutional Care of the Dependent Child

A family group cottage, “Orana”, Burwood

This is a copy of an image which was published in Superintendent Mathieson’s PhD thesis titled The Institutional Care of the Dependent Child