
Methodist Babies’ Home

This image was published in The Argus on 4 April 1941 in an article titled ‘The Methodist Babies’ Home’. The caption reads, ‘The Methodist Babies’ Home at South Yarra is not faced with the suburban housewives’ problem of obtaining a supply of milk during the strike. The Transport Workers’ Union is giving its services free…

Berry Street Foundling Hospital

This is a copy of an image published in The Argus on Tuesday 19 December 1922. The image shows children at a party. The original caption reads, ‘Each year at about Christmas time the boarded-out children and their fostermothers are entertained at the Foundling Hospital and Infants’ Home Berry Street, East Melbourne. There was a…

Foundlings or not, all are well cared for

This is a copy of an image published in The Argus on Friday 27 July 1923. The image shows babies from The Foundling Hospital and Infants’ Home. The original caption reads, ‘Scenes at the home on the occasion of the annual meeting yesterday are depicted.’

[Baby looks intrigued]

This is a copy of an image published in The Argus on Thursday 2 July 1953. The image shows a baby and mothercraft nurse from Berry Street Babies’ Home and Hospital. The caption read, Baby looks intrigued as he is weighed by Margaret Witton, a trained mothercraft nurse at Berry St. Foundling Home [altered from…

Happy Children at Play

This is a copy of an image published in The Argus on Saturday 6 August 1938. The image shows children hanging upside down on exercise bars. The original captions read: ‘Everything is upside down to these children at the Sutherland Homes, Greensborough. They keep warm with their exercises on the parallel bars.’

The baby of the Home

This is a copy of an image published in The Argus on Tuesday 18 April 1950. The image shows a baby on a rocking horse. The caption reads: The baby of the Home looks very pensive as he takes his turn in the rocker in the nursery [altered from original caption].

New buildings, Sutherland Home, at Diamond Creek

This is a copy of an image published in the Advertiser on Friday 8 March 1929. The image shows the plans for the front of the building and the ground floor for the new building at Sutherland Homes for Children.

The Chapel at St. Paul’s Training School, Newhaven

This is a copy of an illustrated article published in The Argus on Saturday 31 July 1937, p.33. The image shows the chapel ath the school. The original caption reads: ‘The Chapel at St. Paul’s Training School, Newhaven. The blackwood furnishings were made by the boys at the school.’

1950 Aerial View, Widford St. Glenroy

This aeriel photograph shows Widford St. Glenroy around 1950. It shows the St Agnes’ Girls’ Home on the left, including the George Edward Lamble Cottage. The building on the right was previously occupied by the Glenroy Girls’ Home. The photograph description given by Broadmeadows Historical Society reads: “Shows the Mirror Image Houses Built for the…

1920 Girls from St. Agnes Home

Group photo of girls from St Agnes Home; B/W Photo 10x15cm