
Benevolent Asylum

Looking across garden and paths towards facade of building, three storeys with gabled roof and attic windows, oriel window over entrance. Men on garden paths in foreground.

Benevolent Asylum (North Melbourne, Vic)

This is a copy of a photograph from State Library Victoria. It shows a sign on the fence of the Benevolent Asylum which reads: “Visiting Days Tuesdays and Fridays from noon until three o’clock”.

Melbourne Benevolent Asylum

Photographic print of the Benevolent Asylum, North Melbourne. Shows 3-storey buildings with trees and shrubs in foreground. In centre of buildings is clock face between 2 small spires. People are seated on 2 benches and partially obscured by trees l.r.

Methodist Peace Memorial Homes for British Children

This is a copy of a photograph in the collection of the National Archives of Australia’s Immigration Photographic Archive collection.

Nazareth House, Roman Catholic, East Camberwell, Victoria

This is a copy of a photograph from the National Archives of Australia’s Immigration Photographic Archive collection. The caption is: New, ultra-modern home for Catholic migrant children from the UK is Nazareth Children’s Home, East Camberwell Vic. It is conducted by Sisters of Nazareth. Home can accommodate 150 children.

Immigration- Child migration Schemes – Nazareth House, Roman Catholic, East Camberwell, Victoria

This is a copy of a photograph from the National Archives of Australia’s Immigration Photographic Archive collection. The caption is: New, ultra-modern home for Catholic migrant children from the UK is Nazareth Children’s Home, East Camberwell Vic. It is conducted by Sisters of Nazareth. Home can accommodate 150 children.

St John’s Home

This is a copy of an image from the cover of the of St John’s Home for Boys Fifth Annual Report Calendar for 1957-58. It shows a group of boys walking past a sign saying “St John’s Home” and a pillar with a plaque saying “Shrublands” above the letterbox.

The Doncaster Family Unit … our second cottage for boys & girls

This is an excerpt from the Annual Report of St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls from 1960. It shows an architect’s sketch and floor plan for a “cottage” in Doncaster

Family Welfare Clinic, St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls, Canterbury

This is a copy of an image from the front page of a publication by St John’s Home for Boys and Girls (“Care”, Number 5, April 1965). It shows the newly opened family welfare clinic. The caption reads: “From a fund of 32950 pounds, contributed by St John’s supporters two years ago, grew this attractive…

Colebrook Home, Eden Hills

This is a copy of an image of the Colebrook Home when it was situated in Eden Hills, between 1944 and 1971. It appeared in a publication by AE Gerard about the history of the United Aborigines Mission, published in 1950. The caption in the book is: “Our present Colebrook Training Home, Shepherds Hill Road,…