This image shows the outside of the Keelong Remand Centre.
This is a copy of a photoprint of the Female School of Industry on Maquarie Street, Sydney. It was published in the album ‘Photographs of Public and Other Buildings, &c. photographed by Charles Pickering’.
The image shows the outside of Dalwood Children’s Home. The image file has the note: “A gift from wealthy real estate man, Sir Arthur Dalwood, establishing the famous charity trust.” (Ted Hood, 13/9/1988)
This is a copy of an image that appeared in The Border Mail and came with the caption: It has been discovered the old Sisters of Mercy orphanage fence had been placed 1.5m over the boundary into council land.
This is a copy of a drawing by F. Walker of the Female School of Industry on Macquarie Street, Sydney.
This image shows the outside of Juong Red Cross Home. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This is a copy of an image published in the 1911 Annual Report of the Sydney Home for Babies, it shows the outside of the Home.
This is a copy of an image from the Australian Women’s Weekly article, For the Sake of the Children. The image shows children and adults sitting outside on the steps of the Eleanor MacKinnon Memorial Home.
This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This is a photograph of Peat Island. It shows the entirety of the island sitting within the Hawkesbury River, with institution buildings visible in the centre of the island, and boats moored at the dock. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.