
A cookery class in progress in the new instruction block at the Training School for Girls, Parramatta

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1970.

Redecorated dormitory at “Bethel Cottage” [Parramatta Girls Training School]

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1967.

Modernised within, the exterior of the Training School for Girls, Parramatta, retains its old-world charm [original caption]

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1967.

Dressmaking class at Parramatta

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1959.

Teams from Training School for Girls, Parramatta, practise for the opening of the basketball season. Discipline, teamwork and enthusiasm enabled them to win every event [original caption].

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1967.

Dormitory, Parramatta Girls Training School

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1958.

Front façade of the Lyceum Theatre, Pitt Street

This image shows the Lyceum Theatre and the Central Methodist Mission.

An exterior view of the new instruction block at the Training School for Girls, Parramatta

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1970.