
Mission building, Mulgoa NSW

This is a digital copy of an image from the Northern Territory Archives Service Collection EIM (May) Dove, NTRS 685, Personal records collected whilst a missionary in Northern Australia and in Victoria, 1923-1961.

Mission children, Mulgoa NSW

This is a digital copy of an image from the Northern Territory Archives Service Collection EIM (May) Dove, NTRS 685, Personal records collected whilst a missionary in Northern Australia and in Victoria, 1923-1961.

The Assembly Hall at Yawarra can be used for indoor basketball or converted into a well-equipped gymnasium. The stage (at rear) will be used for concerts and dramatic productions

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1969.

Yawarra was the first of the Boys’ Training Schools to be equipped with a swimming pool at the time it was opened

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1969.

Main entrance to Yasmar. This building houses the Administrative Section and the Ashfield Children’s Court

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1968.

The recreation room in the senior school at Yasmar

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1962.

“Worimi” – rooms for inmates. There are boy boys and girls at “Worimi” [original caption]

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1966.

“Worimi” – opened on 30th June, 1966 at Newcastle

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1966.

The kindergarten at Winbin

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1963.