This image was included in Finding Your Own Way, Section 9.
This image was included in the Finding Your Own Way guide, section 9.
The library description states: Adults and children attending a fete held at Minda Home, Brighton, South Australia.
This image shows the building where the Morialta Protestant Children’s Home was later run.
This photograph was published on Facebook by the Mount Lofty Districts Historical Society Inc with the caption, “Drapers Hall during the Fairbridge Society ownership”. The Facebook post from 5 November 2015 titled “On the Market – Drapers Hall (Craigard) continued” has some information about the the Fairbridge institution in Crafers and some comments from former…
This image of Estcourt House shows adults and children who lived in the Home standing on the verandah.
The library description states: Woman missionary supervising distribution of clean clothing to a group of Aboriginal women and children, between two corrugated iron buildings at Ooldea UAM. Behind can be seen another woman and a line with some clothes drying. Caption reads: [Washing day Ooldea].
This image was included in the Finding Your Own Way guide, section 8 and shows the front of the building which housed Tanderra Girls’ Home.