
Kumanka Boys’ Hostel, Recreation room

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: The recreation room indicating sports and leisure-hour-activities equipment.

Kumanka Boys’ Hostel, Dining room

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: ‘The dining room, showing tasteful table amenities, coloured table cloths and serviettes, etc.’

Kumanka Boys’ Hostel

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: A closer view of the front of the main building.

Kumanka Boys’ Hostel

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: ‘Kumanka Boys’ Hostel, North Adelaide. Opened in 1945 for working wards of the State who, generally speaking, have no suitable homes.’

Glandore Industrial School, Dining room

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: The dining room with coloured table cloths, coloured crockery, serviettes and blue enamel steel chairs.

Glandore Industrial School, Cottage interior

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: The interior of one of the seven cottages at the Industrial School.

Glandore Industrial School

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: ‘The front of the Industrial School at Naldera Street, Glandore, a home for neglected wards of the State.’

Seaforth Home, Toddlers playroom

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: View of the smaller Playroom which is adjoining the larger playroom for young toddlers. This room caters for the needs of children about two and three years of age. The doors swing back…

Seaforth Home, Toddlers Block

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: Portion of the southern side of the new Toddlers’ Block built in 1946.

Seaforth Home, Playroom

This is a a copy of a photo from the archival series ‘Photographs of Departmental Institutions’, Volume 1, the original caption states: Portion of the spacious playroom showing lighting, ventilation, equipment, hardwood floors, electric fans, and central heating system. Much of the equipment is made by the boys in the Reformatory.