The library description states: Children in a classroom at the mission, Swan Reach.
This image shows children from the Girls’ Probationary School. The library description states: Women greeting a senior Salvation Army officer visiting a children’s institution.
The library catalogue includes the description: A class of Aboriginal students and their teacher outside the school at Ernabella Mission.
This image of Ernabella Mission is part of the Charles Duguid collection of photographs of Aboriginal Australians at Ernabella Mission and other locations, ca. 1930-1950.
This image shows children from the Girls’ Probationary School. The library description states: Children of all ages lined up outside a large house where they are visited by four Salvation Army officers.
This image is of 82 Kintore Avenue, Adelaide which is where the schoolroom of the Destitute Asylum was located. It has sinece become part of the Migration Museum, Adelaide.
This image shows the building that Campbell House Farm School used to operate in. The image was uploaded to Panaramio in 2008. This webpage is no longer in operation. this URL is taken from the wayback machine and is dated 9 May 2018.
This image shows the building that Campbell House Farm School used to operate in. The image was uploaded to Panaramio in 2008. This webpage is no longer in operation. This URL was taken from the wayback machine and is dated 9 May 2018.
Copy of part of the work plan for construction work at the Balaklava Racecourse for the Aboriginal Welfare Institution from a digitised National Archives of Australia file titled ‘Transfer of half-castes from the Northern Territory to the racecourse at Balaklava, South Australia – Part 1: pages 1 to 72 1942 – 1943’.
This image shows St Stanislaus House after it had been partially demolished and was up for sale in 2012.