The engraving reads: ‘AMDC: The Good Shepherd Home of Mercy’, indicating an alternative name for the Home of Mercy.
Photograph taken by Mike Key
Photographed by Korske Ara This webpage is no longer in operation. this URL is taken from the wayback machine and is dated 11 October 2018.
The Barracks housed patients until 1952.
[Caption taken from the National Archives of Australia Recordsearch] Immigration – Child migration schemes – The Fairbridge Society has converted “Tresca”, Exeter, Tasmania, into a home for children from Britain. The new home is for children from broken homes, parentless children, or children with only one parent able to care for them. Tresca will accommodate…
[Caption taken from the National Archives of Australia Recordsearch] Immigration – Child migration schemes – The Fairbridge Society has converted “Tresca”, Exeter, Tasmania, into a home for children from Britain. The new home is for children from broken homes, parentless children, or children with only one parent able to care for them. Tresca will accommodate…