
Department of Correctional Services, Northern Territory Government

In 1989 the Department of Correctional Services was formed when Correctional Services separated from the Department of Health and Community Services to once again become a Department in its own right. During this period the Department built and took responsibility for the Don Dale Detention Centre. In 2001 Correctional Services was absorbed into the new…

Department of Correctional Services, Northern Territory Government

The Department of Correctional Services was established as a department in its own right in 1984. Correctional Services had previously operated as a Division under the Department of Community Development. In 1986 the new department took responsibility for youth justice and took charge of the two existing detention centres, Giles House, in Alice Springs and…

Department of Health and Community Services – Correctional Services, Northern Territory Government

In 1987 the Department of Correctional Services amalgamated with the Department of Health and Community Services to become the Department of Health and Community Services – Correctional Services. This department was replaced by the Department of Correctional Services in 1989.

Alice Springs Gaol

The Alice Springs Gaol was the new name given to the Stuart Town Gaol in 1933 when the town of Stuart was officially renamed Alice Springs. Run by the government the Gaol housed male and female, adult and juvenile prisoners. In 1938 the Alice Springs Gaol was closed. It was replaced by HM Gaol and…

Stuart Town Gaol

The Stuart Town Gaol was opened by the government in Alice Springs, then called Stuart, in 1909. It housed male and female, adult and juvenile prisoners. The Stuart Town Gaol became known as the Alice Springs Gaol in 1933 when the town of Stuart was officially renamed Alice Springs. The South Australian Government began building…

Wildman River Wilderness Work Camp

The Wildman River Wilderness Work Camp was established by the government in May 1986. It was a low security bush work camp for males aged 14 -18 who had been in lots of trouble with the law and was intended as an alternative to prison time. Residents and staff built the camp. By 1991 the…

HPA Disability Services Inc

HPA Disability Services was the new name given to the Handicapped Persons’ Association in the 1990s. In June 1999, with the support of the Northern Territory Government, HPA purchased a small block of units which enabled Darwin Accommodation Services to provide more accommodation for people with disabilities. The HPA provided supported employment and training as…

Handicapped Persons’ Association of the Northern Territory

The Handicapped Persons’ Association (HPA) of the Northern Territory was the new name given to the Mentally Retarded Persons’ Association when it expanded its services to all people with disabilities in 1974. The Association opened the Handicapped Persons’ Association Group Home in 1985 and established the Darwin Accommodation Service in 1991. The HPA provided supported…

Mentally Retarded Persons’ Association

The Mentally Retarded Persons’ Association was founded in 1963 by Harold Garner, a well known Northern Territory educationalist. The Association lobbied the Northern Territory Education Department to establish a school for children with intellectual disabilities. This school was taken over by the Education Department in 1965. The Association then opened a pre-school in 1967. Supported…

Handicapped Persons’ Association Group Home

The Handicapped Persons’ Association Group Home was opened in Darwin by the Handicapped Persons Association (HPA) of the Northern Territory in 1985. It accommodated up to seven people. In 1991 the HPA established the Darwin Accommodation Service. It is possible that the Handicapped Persons Association Group Home closed at this time.