Yooralla was established in Balwyn in 1945. It was a hostel and school for children with a disability. It accommodated some Victorian wards of state. Yooralla also ran a respite care home and two family group homes. The Balwyn site and facilities were sold in 1993. Yooralla purchased a property on the corner of Belmore…
Family Information, Networks and Discovery (FIND) was a unit within the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) that assisted persons who were born or adopted in Victoria to access information and records about their adoption. FIND was formerly known as the Adoption and Family Records Service. FIND also offered the supported release of former…
North East Foster Care was established in around 1976. It was jointly auspiced by the Anglican Diocesan Mission to the Streets and Lanes and St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls. From 1989, North East Foster Care’s Greensborough office was auspiced by the Mission to the Streets and Lanes, and the Preston office remained under…
St Joseph’s Nursery was established in 1959 and was situated in Gellibrand Street, Kew, close to the St Anthony’s Home. It provided temporary accommodation for children (who would previously have been housed at St Joseph’s in Carlton) and for some single mothers. The Nursery closed in 1976. St Joseph’s Nursery was established in 1959. It…
The Princess Elizabeth Kindergarten for the Deaf, in Elgar Road Burwood, opened in 1950. It was the first residential and daily pre-school centre for deaf children in Australia. It was run by the board of the Victorian School for Deaf Children. From 1957 to 1971 the State Education Department were responsible for the teaching staff…
The South Western Community Care Association Inc. was formed in 1991, through the amalgamation of Glenelg Foster Care, Currawong House Hamilton, South Western Tenant Support Services and Warrnambool Community Legal Aid Service. From 1991 to 1995, South Western Community Care Association was auspiced by Lutheran Children’s Homes. In 1998, the organisation changed its name to…
The Corporate Integrity Information and Resolutions unit (CIIRu) was responsible for Freedom of Information requests and complaints management for both the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Department of Health (DH). In 2013 the Department of Human Services created a new Freedom of Information Unit with responsibility for the release of wardship (state ward)…
Kilmany UnitingCare has major outlets in the Gippsland region of Victoria, including in the towns of Bairnsdale, Sale and Leongatha. Kilmany UnitingCare provides community based services including foster care, family counselling, family day care, youth work, family support and financial counselling. It was formerly known as Kilmany Family Care. In July 2010 this agency changed…
In 1998 the Copelen Child and Family Services renamed Copelen. In 2000 it amalgamated with Wheelers Hill Family Centre and the Canterbury Family Centre to create the new organisation Connections UnitingCare.
The Child Saving Council was established in Victoria in 1910, when a group of ‘child savers’ came together in 1910. The Council’s aims included promoting the work of child welfare organisations and discussion among these organisations. In 1912, the Council became the Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria.