The Children’s Welfare Act 1958 (Act no. 6219) was assented to on 30 September 1958 and came into operation on 1 April 1959. Its long title was “An Act to consolidate the Law to provide for and promote the Welfare Protection and Care of Children and Young Persons.” The Children’s Welfare Act 1958 was repealed…
The Children’s Maintenance Act 1924 (Act no. 3376) is an amendment of the Children’s Maintenance Act 1919. It introduces the definition of child as “any person,(whether born in lawful wedlock or not) under the maximum age provided under the Education Acts” currently in force for a school-aged child. It also deals with the administration of…
The Adoption of Children Act 1958 (Act no. 6192) was passed on 30 September 1958 and came into operation on 1 April 1959 (Gov. Gaz. 18 March 1959 p.892). It was “An Act to consolidate the Law relating to the Adoption of Infants.” It was repealed and re-enacted by the Adoption of Children Act 1964…
‘An Act to further amend the Law relating to Neglected and Criminal Children’ (Act no. 626) amended the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act 1864. It allowed for the Governor in Council to transfer any child in an industrial school to a reformatory school and vice versa for the period of their term of detention. Left…
This Act Number 693 amends the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act 1864. Section 10 sets out the amount to be paid out of consolidated revenue, five shillings per week per child maintained in every school established under the Act of 1864. Left to operation on 26/11/1881 Government Gazette No.7 1882, p. 146. This Act was…
The Children’s Welfare Act 1926 (No. 3497) is ‘An Act to amend the Neglected Children’s Act 1915’. It extended the power of the state over children under state ‘care’ but who were placed with private persons or institutions.
The Children’s Court Act 1973 ( Vic) ( No. 8477) replaced the Children’s Court Act 1958 on 5 August 1974. The long title was ‘An Act to re-enact with Amendments to the Law relating to Children’s Courts’. The Children and Young Persons Act 1989 ( No.5619) repealed this Act and came into operation on 30…
The Children’s Court Act 1958 (Vic) (No. 6218) repealed the Children’s Court Act 1956 on 1 April 1959. Its long title was ‘An Act to consolidate the Law relating to Children’s Courts’. The Children’s Court Act 1973 ( No.8477) repealed and re-enacted this Act on 5 August 1974.
The Mental Health Act 1959 (No. 6605) brought into being the Mental Health Authority (the successor to the Mental Hygiene Authority). It consolidated and amended the law relating to the treatment and care of people described in the legislation as ‘the mentally ill and the intellectually defective’. The Mental Health Act 1959 was passed on…
The Information Privacy Act 2000 established the first regime for the ‘responsible collection and handling of personal information in the Victorian public sector’. The Act provided individuals with rights of access to information about them held by organisations, including contracted service providers (including community service organisations providing out-of-home care). It provided for the appointment of…