The Juvenile Migrants Act 1926 was ‘An Act to provide for the care and well-being of juvenile assisted migrants; to repeal the Juvenile Migrants Apprenticeship Act, 1923; and for purposes connected there with’. It established the role of the Minister for Labour as much more central to migration. It was repealed in 1999 by the…
The Deserted Wives and Children Act of 1840 as amended by the Act of 1858 was also known as ‘An Act to amend the Act for the Maintenance of Deserted Wives and Children’. It made it harder for deserting parents to escape their obligation to maintain their children by leaving the Colony. It made provision…
The Apprentices Act 1894 [22/1894 (57 Vic. No.22)], also known as ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Apprentices’ dealt with apprenticeships in the modern sense, as labour contracts between masters and those learning a trade. It set out rules for wages, penalties, and how an apprentice could enter and leave employment….
The Child Welfare (Amendment) Act 1924 (69/1924) was ‘An Act to amend the provisions of the Child Welfare Act, 1923, relating to the adoption of children’. This administrative amendment clarified the rules about who could apply for adoption orders to a Court, and how the documentation had to be filled out. It was repealed by…
The Apprentices Act 1901 [41/1901] was an Act to consolidate the previous Colonial New South Wales laws relating to apprenticeship. It was amended by the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1915 (which made provision for apprentices enlisting in the armed services). It was further amended by the Statute Law Revision Act 1937 and the Maintenance Act 1964….
The Infants’ Custody Act 1854 [1/1854 (18 Vic. No.1)] allowed mothers to claim custody of children under the age of seven who had been in the care of their fathers, upon the father’s death. It did not apply, though, to women who had ‘criminal conversation’, or adultery, findings against them. It was repealed by the…
The Infants’ Marriage Settlements Act 1856 [ 2/1856 (20 Vic. No.2)], was also known as ‘An Act to enable Infants, with the approbation of the Supreme Court in its Equitable Jurisdiction, to make binding settlements of their real and personal estate on marriage’. This Act allowed some young men and women who were minors, and…
The Apprenticeship Act 1844 [2/1844 (8 Vic. No.2)], also known as ‘An Act to regulate and amend the Law of Orphan and other Apprentices in the Colony of New South Wales’, increased penalties on child ‘apprentices’ who ‘absconded’, including prison terms. It also increased penalties on masters and employers who mistreated or abandoned children. This…
The Custody of Infants Act 1875 [23/1875 (39 Vic. No.16)] dealt with the ways Courts had to treat separation and custody arrangements between parents. It provided that the ‘next friend’ of a mother could petition the Supreme Court to allow a mother to have access or custody of her children. This Act was repealed by…
The Apprenticeship Act 1851 [2/1851 (15 Vic. No.2)], also known as ‘An Act to make further provision for the apprenticing of the Children in the Male and Female Orphan Schools and other poor Children’, amended the Apprenticeship Act 1844. It gave greater powers to supervisors of the Male and Female Orphan Schools. It gave them…