
Family Services Act 1987, Queensland

The Family Services Act 1987 – with the full title “An Act to provide for assistance to be made available to families, youth and children; to provide for the licensing of child care facilities; and for other purposes”(Act no. 32/1987) – was implemented in 1987 and, including its amendments, still applies today (in 2014). The…

Family Services Amendment Act 1999, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Family Services Act 1987 and another Act” (Act no. 52/1999) was only in law for under a year. The act altered regulations for criminal history checks and criminal history information relating to people engaged by the department responsible for child welfare. This act was…

Adoption of Children Act Amendment Act 1983, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Adoption of Children Act 1964-1981 in certain particulars” (Act no. 26/1983) made amendments to the Adoption of Children Act 1964, it was also itself amended twice in 1986 and 1987. This act was repealed by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No.2) 1994 (Act No.87)…

Adoption of Children Acts and Another Act Amendment Act 1986, Queensland

This amendment with the full title “An Act to amend the Adoption of Children Act 1964-1981 and the Adoption of Children Act Amendment Act 1983 each in certain particulars and the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1962-1982 in a certain particular”(35/1986). This extensive amendment includes definitions of the children’s court and criminal behaviour….

Adoption of Children Act Amendment Act 1979, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Adoption of Children Act 1964-1978 in certain particulars” (Act no.22/1979) amends the Adoption of Children Act 1964 including its own amendments made up to and including 1978. This amendment discusses the requirement for communication and disclosure of information between the Queensland Government and countries…

Adoption of Children Act Amendment Act 1981, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Adoption of Children Act 1964-1979 in certain particulars” (Act no.42/1981) amends the Adoption of Children Act 1964 and its amendments up to and including 1979. This amendment details requirements in place when an Australian family adopt a child from outside of Australia. These requirements…

Status of Children Act Amendment Act 1988, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Status of Children Act 1978 in certain particulars” (Act no.64/1988) amends the Status of Children Act 1978 (30/1978). This amendment provides detailed information relating to artificial insemination or IVF, and the status of children born to couples who are living as a married couple…

Status of Children Amendment Act 2001, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Status of Children Act 1978, and for another purpose” (Act no. 17/2001). This amendment makes significant changes to the Status of Children Act 1978 and includes detailed information on Parentage testing procedure particularly in relation to paternity as well as Parentage presumptions that may…

State Children Acts Amendment Act 1955, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to Amend “The State Children Acts, 1911 to 1952″ in a certain particular” (Act no.24/1955) amends the State Children Act 1911 (Act no.2 Geo.V.No.11) and its amendments up to and including 1952. This act was repealed and replaced in 1966 by the Children’s Services Act 1965 (Act…

Adoption of Children Acts Amendment Act 1967, Queensland

This act with the full title “An Act to amend the Adoption of Children Acts 1964 to 1965, in certain particulars” (Act no.14/1967) amends the Adoption of Children Act 1964 (Act no.54/1964). This amendment deals with the transfer of property upon the death of its owner, particularly where the value of the property is more…