The Midwifery Nurses Act of 1901 provided for the training and registration of midwives for the first time in Tasmania. This legislation’s provisions for registering midwives were amended in 1906.
The New Town Mothercraft Home Agreement Act 1949 formalised the agreement between the Child Welfare Association and the government to transfer the Mothercraft Home to the Crown. The Act required the government to continue using the Home for the care and treatment of mothers and babies and to train mothercraft nurses. If sold, the proceeds…
The Handicapped Children (Assistance) Assistance Act 1970 provided subsidies for the training and accommodation of people under the age of 21 with disabilities. This provided much needed funds to hostels for children with disabilities.
The Contagious Diseases Act 1882 also known by the full title ‘An Act to Further Amend “The Contagious Diseases Act 1879″‘ (Act no. 46 Vict. No.41) was a minor amendment to the previous contagious diseases legislation. Contagious diseases was a ‘polite’ word for sexually transmitted diseases, especially syphilis.
The Contagious Diseases Act 1879 also known by its full title ‘An Act for the better Prevention of certain Contagious Diseases’ (Act No. 42 Vict. No.36) was the first in a series of Acts designed to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, especially syphilis. It gave the police powers to report cases of it in women to…
The Domestic Assistance Service Act 1947 established the Domestic Assistance Service. This scheme made domestic assistance available to people who were incapacitated, requiring special care or experiencing hardship. This Act gave the Minister power to establish hostels for the accommodation of people (including children) engaged in domestic work or undergoing training in connection with the…
The Public Health Act 1903 also known by the full title ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Public Health’ (Act no. 3 Edw. VII No.37), enacted in response to the recent Launceston smallpox epidemic, established the Public Health Department, repealed the Contagious Diseases Acts (Act no.42 Vict. No.36), and provided for…
The 1905 Youthful Offenders, Destitute and Neglected Children’s Amendment Act 1905 also known by its full title “An Act to amend ‘The Youthful Offenders, Destitute and Neglected Children Act 1896′”(Act no.5 Edw. VII No.39) set up the first Tasmanian court for children. The act stipulated that their cases be heard away from the police office,…
The Mental Deficiency Act 1920 established the State Psychological Clinic which diagnosed mental deficiency, now known as intellectual disability. The Act also established the Mental Deficiency Board which oversaw the management of children and adults classified as mentally deficient by the Clinic. The Act was influenced by the eugenics movement and based on similar legislation…
The Stolen Generations of Aboriginal Children Act 2006 established a five million dollar fund to enable the Tasmanian Government to make ex-gratia payments to members of the stolen generations. The Act also enabled children of deceased members of the stolen generations to apply for payment.