
Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine, Tasmania

The Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine, also known as the Boys’ Training School, was held in 1925. Its recommendations included the classification of the boys and the appointment of a Matron. The government appointed the Committee of Inquiry in 1925. Its members were, Charles Seager, Secretary of the…

Investigation into Ashley Home for Boys, Public Service Commissioner, Tasmania

The Public Service Commissioner’s Investigation into Ashley Home for Boys began on 16 October 1951. The government had established it to investigate allegations against Ashley made by its former recreation officer. The Public Service Commissioner reported on 30 October 1951. Following the recommendation of the Inquiry into the Control and Management of Ashley Boys Home…

Ashley Home for Boys Rebuilding Proposals, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, Tasmania

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works met in October 1952. Its recommendations included a new building and better training of staff at Ashley, and that boys requiring discipline be sent to an institution in New South Wales. The Committee also discussed plans to purchase Wybra Hall. The members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on…

Inquiry into the Control and Management of Ashley Boys’ Home, State of Tasmania

The Inquiry into the Control and Management of Ashley Boys Home began in 1951. The government initiated it after accusations that boys from Ashley did badly after their release. The Committee conducting the inquiry made an interim report in October 1951 and a final one in April 1953. The Inquiry addressed four main issues: The…

Tasmanian Task Force on Sexual Abuse

The Tasmanian Task Force on Sexual Abuse was set up in March 1989 to report into the adequacy of the services available to children who were victims of sexual abuse. It also considered the management of the perpetrators of that abuse. The Task Force reported in November 1989. The Task Force made 41 recommendations. Some…

Inquiry into Weeroona Girls’ Home, Social Welfare Department, Tasmania

The Social Welfare Inquiry into Weeroona Girls’ Home was carried out by Dennis Daniels, the Director of the Social Welfare Department. It was into allegations made by two girls at Weeroona Girls’ Training Centre that they had been hit by the Principal and the Housemistress, a married couple. The Inquiry resulted in new safeguards to…

Inquiry into Weeroona Girls’ Training Centre, Public Service Commissioner, Tasmania

The Inquiry into Weeroona Girls’ Training Centre by the Public Service Commissioner, MJ Jillett, took place in 1973. It followed a statutory declaration made by the former utility officer at the Home alleging that girls were hit by members of staff and kept in the secure unit for long periods of time with nothing to…

Investigation of the care and treatment of “socially maladjusted teenage girls”, Sub-Committee of the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Institute of Welfare Officers

The investigation of the care and treatment of “socially maladjusted teenage girls” was carried out in about 1975 by a sub-committee of the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Institute of Welfare Officers. The language is as-used by the Institute. Its report recommended offering “support to the girl, her family and the community” rather than state…

Apology to People Hurt by Past Forced Adoption Practices, Parliament of Tasmania

The Apology to People Hurt by Past Forced Adoption Practices was moved in the Tasmanian House of Assembly on Thursday, 18 October 2012 by the Labor Premier, Lara Giddings. The 2012 report on the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee’s Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices prompted the Apology. A number of other…

Review of Tasmanian Adoption Legislation

The Review of Tasmanian Adoption Legislation finished in October 1986. It received 33 submissions. Most of them argued in favour of giving people who had been adopted better access to their birth and adoption records. The submissions also favoured introducing a more open form of adoption. The findings of the Review were the basis of…