
Committee of Inquiry into Residential Child Care, State of Western Australia

A Committee of Inquiry into Residential Child Care was appointed by the Minister for Community Welfare in 1976. The Committee recommended that the government should continue to partner with the voluntary sector in the delivery of out of home ‘care’. The ministerial Consultative Committee on Residential Child Care was established as a result of this…

Royal Commission to inquire into the Heathcote Mental Reception Home and the administration of mental hospitals generally, State of Western Australia

A Royal Commission to inquire into the administration of Heathcote and other mental health hospitals was held in Western Australia in 1938. The Report of the Royal Commission does not mention children, but it does describe conditions at Heathcote and Claremont during years when children were sent there. Hospitals in the mental health system were…

Royal Commission on Claremont Hospital for the Insane (Custody of Criminally Insane Persons), State of Western Australia

A Royal Commission to inquire into the custody of people classified as ‘criminally insane’ was held in Western Australia in 1936. The Report of the Royal Commission does not mention children, but it does describe conditions at Claremont during years when children were sent there. Notably, there was no special ward for patients who were…

Royal Commission in Lunacy, State of Western Australia

A ‘Royal Commission in Lunacy’ ran from 28 September 1921 to 21 September 1922. Commissioners visited and made recommendations about all the mental health institutions, and looked into the administration of the mental health system. The Royal Commission recommended that the existing ‘isolation block’ at the Claremont Hospital for the Insane should be converted into…

Select Committee to inquire into the management of the Claremont Hospital for the Insane, Western Australia

A ‘Select Committee to inquire into the management of the Claremont Hospital for the Insane’ was appointed by the Legislative Council in September 1919. It was wide-ranging. It heard evidence about the best treatment and accommodation for ‘mental defectives and epileptics’ in city and regional hospitals and recommended establishing a separate institution, which did not…

Royal Commission appointed to inquire into alleged cases of brutality at the Claremont Mental Hospital, State of Western Australia

The ‘Royal Commission appointed to inquire into alleged cases of brutality at the Claremont Mental Hospital’ was appointed on 20 March 1950. It found children needed to be better segregated and recommended improvements to record-keeping, medical supervision and staffing. The Royal Commission was chaired by Mr Justice Adrian H. Curlewis of the Supreme Court of…

Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly appointed to inquire into the condition of the Fremantle and Whitby Falls Lunatic Asylums, Colony of Western Australia

The Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly appointed to inquire into the condition of the Fremantle and Whitby Falls Lunatic Asylums found that the Fremantle Aslyum ‘was so unfitted for its purpose that its defects could not be remedied, and that there must be an entirely new building’. Whitby Falls was useful as a ‘labour…

Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly to consider and report as to what is necessary to place the Asylum for the Insane on a satisfactory basis as to Accommodation and Maintenance, Colony of Western Australia

The Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly to consider and report as to what is necessary to place the Asylum for the Insane on a satisfactory basis as to Accommodation and Maintenance was appointed in 1891. It found that the Fremantle Aslyum had inadequate staffing and buildings, was over-crowded and didn’t benefit the people who…

Select Committee appointed to enquire into the Adoption of Children Amendment Bill 1983, Parliament of Western Australia

A Select Committee to Inquire into the Adoption of Children Amendment Bill 1983 was appointed from the Legislative Assembly of the Western Australian Parliament on 7 December 1983. The Select Committee tabled its report on 11 October 1984 and its recommendations were debated in 1985. Many of those recommendations were incorporated in the Adoption of…

Child Migrant Support Fund, British Government

The Child Migrant Support Fund was established by the British Government as a result of its Inquiry into the Welfare of Former British Child Migrants. The purpose of the Fund was to help reunite people who had been sent to Australia as child migrants with their family of origin in the UK. The Fund was…