The Select Committee Inquiry into Weeroona Girls’ Girls’ Training Centre, appointed on 4 November 1965, concerned an allegation that the Director of the Social Welfare Department, GC Smith, had misled Parliament about the date that the secure unit had been temporarily closed at Weeroona. The Committee found that Smith was innocent. The Select Committee Inquiry…
The Public Service Commissioner’s Inquiry into the Conditions at Weeroona Girls’ Home took place in 1965. It concerned 14 allegations against the Principal. The Commissioner upheld eight. Following an appeal, five more were dropped. The Principal was transferred to a clerical position in the Housing Department. The Chief Secretary, Brian Miller, ordered the Inquiry on…
The Joint Select Committee on Adoption and Related Services was held in 1999 to investigate the concerns that groups such as Adoption Jigsaw and Origins had about adoption practices of the past. The terms of reference of the Joint Select Committee were: (1) The past and continuing effects of professional practices in the administration and…
The Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices was a Senate Committee Inquiry that began in 2011. The Inquiry resulted from the efforts over many years of mothers who were separated from their children by adoption. The Senate Committee invited interested individuals and organisations to make submissions. It reported in February 2012. The…
Listen to the children: review of claims of abuse from adults in state care as children was an Ombudsman inquiry. It was established in July 2003 by the Tasmanian government. The inquiry made an initial report in 2004, followed by another in 2006. On 11 July 2003, the ABC Television current affairs program, Stateline, featured…
The Child Protection Systems Royal Commission was established in August 2014 to investigate the adequacy of the child protection system in South Australia. Royal Commissioner Margaret Nyland reported to the government on 5 August 2016. The report, titled ‘The life they deserve’ made 260 recommendations for improvements to the child protection system.
On 17 June 2008 the Premier of South Australia the Hon M.D. Rann apologised on behalf of the current and previous Parliaments of South Australia to those who were abused as children while in State care. Following the apology motion in Parliament, the Premier, Minister for Families and Communities, representatives of the Anglican, Catholic, Uniting…
The Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the Destitute Poor was appointed by the Government in 1867 to enquire into the management of the Destitute Asylum and the Brighton Industrial School at the old Grace Darling Hotel. The Committee produced a report in October 1867 which was highly critical of the inadequate temporary accommodations…
The Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry began in November 2004 under the terms of The Commission of Inquiry (Children in State Care) Act 2004. It produced its final report in March 2008. The terms of reference of the Inquiry were to investigate allegations of sexual abuse of children in State care and allegations…
The Inquiry into Delinquent and other children in the care of the State began in June 1938. It was established primarily to examine the way in which the government was dealing with children who had committed offences or had ‘behavioural problems’. In this era these children were referred to as ‘delinquent’ children. The final report…