
Ward Index Cards

Ward Index Cards provide a summary record of all interactions of an individual child or young person with the Victorian Social Welfare Department (and its successor departments) from 1960 to 1985. Access Conditions Restricted Access – Records containing personal or private information about children are closed to public access for a period of 99 years….

Admission and Discharge Registers, Nazareth House, Ballarat

Admission and Discharge Registers from Nazareth House are held by the Sisters of Nazareth, Ballarat. The exact dates of the registers are not known but they may date from around 1889 to 1976. The directory A piece of the story (1999), contains the following description of records in the custody of the Sisters: “Name, date…

Correspondence files, multiple number series (policy matters)

This series consists of immigration policy files relating to the assimilation, welfare and education of migrants. File subjects include, for example, child-youth migration schemes, Children’s Homes taking migrant children, Acts relating to immigration, migrant organisations, transport, sponsorship schemes, housing and accommodation, conferences, refugees and restricted immigration policy. Access Conditions The majority of records in this…

Admission Register, Alexandra Babies’ Home

Admission Register, Alexandra Babies’ Home is a series held by the Public Record Office Victoria. The series comprises a single Admission Register recording all admissions to the Alexandra Babies Home between 1941 and 1973 Access Conditions Conditional access. Former residents (and their families) wanting to find information about their time in care, or access personal…

Client Files, Dhurringile Training Farm

Client Files, Dhurringile Training Farm is a series of 278 files dating from around 1948 to 1964. The files contain information about residents of the Dhurringile Rural Training Farm. Access Conditions Former residents (and their families) should contact the Uniting Heritage Service to find information, and access personal files. The Uniting Heritage Service is a…

Children’s Overseas Reception Board Files

Children’s Overseas Reception Board Files comprises client files of children evacuated to Victoria, Australia from the United Kingdom during World War Two and a few files relating to the administration of the Overseas Children Scheme. Their stay was intended to be temporary. Upon arrival in Victoria these children were boarded out with families. The Children’s…

Child Migration Files

The Child Migration Files document the assessment of applications to nominate British and other minors, and subsequent administration, including forms used for processing and reports from various sources. These files were created by the Victorian Children’s Welfare Department and subsequently by the Social Welfare Branch. Access Conditions Restricted Access – Records containing personal or private…

Kedesh Maternity Home for Unmarried Mothers: Programs and invitations ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia

Kedesh Maternity Home for Unmarried Mothers: Programs and invitations ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia includes invitations to official events, dinner invitations honouring visiting dignitaries, dance cards, award presentations, openings, commemorative and sporting programs. Some programs and invitations may also include menus. Access Conditions Some items in this collection are available online…