
Scarba House: Client records

These files contain case notes for families who were involved in programs operated by Scarba. The information relates to the children and their parents and may include medical and psychological reports. There is also information about the admission and discharge of children into care. Access Conditions Access to information is generally restricted to the person…

Admissions Register, Scarba House, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

The Admissions Register for Scarba House between 1969 and 1971 records the admission number, name of the child, date and time of admission, the ward admitted to, the age group of child, and the signature of the admitting officer. Access Conditions These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society must be obtained….

Sister’s Day And Night Report Books, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

The Sister’s Day And Night Report Books for Scarba House are the day and night shift report books from 1966 to 1971. They record admissions and discharges, name of the child, general medical condition and symptoms, the medication and treatment given and instructions to nursing staff. Access Conditions These records are restricted and written permission…

Scarba House: Index, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

Scarba House: Index are an incomplete series of index cards which record information about the residents of Scarba House between 1965-1968 and 1972-1974. The cards record the surname, first name, registration number, gender, date of birth, age, religion, birthplace, address on admission, address on discharge, date admitted, date discharged, number of days in Scarba, father’s…

Patients’ Medical Records, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

The Patients’ Medical Records are an incomplete series of records for Renwick Hospital for Infants from 1937 and 1955-1956. The records include the patient’s history sheet, temperature and weight charts, consent form, pathological or post mortem report, X-ray reports, and other notes. Access Conditions These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society…

Scarba House: Matron’s Diary, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

Scarba House: Matron’s Diary is a record of the daily administration of Scarba House. It includes matters related to children and staff, reports on the state of the House, reports on the health of the children, staff reports, building repairs and improvements, records of the transfer of children, donations received, special events and extraordinary incidents…

Register Of Baptisms, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

The Register Of Baptisms for Renwick Hospital for Infants includes the date of the baptism, the name of the child, the name of the mother, the name of the minister ‘baptised by’, and religion of the family. They also occasionally show the date of birth or age of the child. Access Conditions These records are…

Infants’ Hospital History Book, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

The Infants’ Hospital History Book is the patient history book for Renwick Hosptial for Infants and records the name and age of the child, date of admission, their weight, date of discharge, patient history notes and any remarks. Access Conditions These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society must be obtained. At…

Obstetrics Journals: Form For Admission Of Waiting Patients, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

Obstetrics Journals: Form For Admission Of Waiting Patients includes the name of the applicant, marital status, occupation, address, birthplace, length of residence in the State and religion. The journals also include the patient’s next of kin (including the name and occupation if a husband), details of financial circumstances and capacity to meet account payments, a…

Registers Of Admissions And Discharges, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

Registers Of Admissions And Discharges are printed volumes that provide a daily register of the admission and discharge of residents. The registers record the name, age, ship and year of arrival in New South Wales of the child. They also record their general medical condition, trade or occupation, religion, referee for admission and how they…