Affiliation Files relate to action taken to obtain maintenance payments from the fathers of ‘ex-nuptial’ children (children born outside of marriage). Access Conditions Access to these records is currently restricted. In New South Wales, records relating to individuals, such as case files and correspondence are closed to public access for 100 years. Records such as…
Boarding Out Registers (also known as Ward Registers) comprise 30 volumes that record the following information: name of child; place of birth; date of birth; religion; name and known address of parents; number of papers; particulars of foster parents or guardians (i.e. names, addresses); dates when received and how placed; and Boarding Out Register number….
The Dependent Children Register Cards are arranged alphabetically by surname. These cards relate to children born between 1945 and 1972 who were admitted to State care (there are some exceptions). They record the name of the child, registration number (State ward ‘B’ file number), date and place of birth, religion, parent’s name and address, allowance…
Ward Maintenance Files (sometimes referred to as ‘M’ files) relate to action taken to obtain maintenance (i.e. payments) – by agreement or by court proceedings – in respect to children and young persons up to eighteen years of age admitted or committed to the care of the Minister to be dealt with as State wards…
The admission books contain the following information: date of admission; name of child; child’s date and place of birth; child’s health on admission; reason for admission and other details; name, occupation and address of mother; name and address of father; whether father was paying maintenance; subsequent information; discharge date; and details of to whom discharged….
The Client Files from Lutanda Children’s Home (1930-1984?) are arranged alphabetically by name and include admission and medical information for each person, along with case files documenting the person’s stay in Lutanda. The records held by Lutanda are incomplete, and some of the gaps in the records can be attributed to the fact that many…
The Society for Providing Services for Neglected or Needy Children holds some records relating to Our Children’s Home (also known as Ardill House). Previously, these records were in the custody of Integricare. Access Conditions Please contact the Society for Providing Services for Neglected or Needy Children. Access to records is provided according to the Society’s…
These files contain a brief history of the young person and the issues that led to their referral to Stretch-A-Family. They also contain a record of Stretch-A-Family’s involvement with the young person. The following information may be found on a file: name; address at time of admission; date of birth; date of admission; legal status…
The Personal Files, Hunter Mission comprise files, arranged alphabetically by surname, created for young people involved in the Hunter Mission’s substitute care program. Information contained in the files includes: dates of admission and exit; some details about parents; and case plans for each young person. All young people who went through this program at Hunter…
The following information is contained on the files: name of child; child’s date of birth, and in some cases a Certificate of Birth; religion; education and scholastic ability; character; illnesses; name of mother (if known); name of father (if known); and where child came from. Following the child’s arrival at the Fairbridge Farm School, the…