
Operations – Commission Administration

The Operations – Commission Administration, Series ID 20135, contains records relating to the establishment, operation, administration and completion of the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry commenced in 2012. Items in this series include discussion papers, memoranda, file and meeting notes containing background information about matters before the Commission, and documents relating to the scope…

Photographs and Photograph Albums of Aboriginal settlements and missions

This series contains two photo albums, as well as an assortment of loose photographs, showing people, buildings, and activities at Aboriginal settlements and Missions in Queensland, including Doomadgee, Cherbourg, Bamaga, Yarrabah, and Hope Vale. They include a photogrpah of approximately 80 children from the Doomadgee Mission dormitories. Some individuals who appear in these photographs have…

Miscellaneous Subject Batches [Correspondence] – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Files

This series contains correspondence files of the Colonial Secretary’s Office, Home Secretary’s Office, and Lands Department, along with newspaper clippings and photographs relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland. The file groups, referred to as ‘batches’, relate to a variety of topics including marriages, children, bonds, wages, Aboriginal schools, complaints, and the…

Health & Home Affairs/Education Department Batch Files [Correspondence] – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander files

This is a series containing correspondence files of the Health and Home Affairs Department that relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland. This series also includes correspondence of the Office of the Chief Protector of Aboriginals and the Office of the Director of Native Affairs, which were part of the Health and…

Admission Registers – Special School, Narbethong State Special School

The Admission Registers – Special School, Series ID18361, relate to the Narbethong State Special School. They contain details about children admitted to the Narbethong State Special School, including child’s name, admission date and number, age on admission, date of birth, parent’s names, occupations, and address, religion, grade the child was admitted to, date of leaving…

Admission Registers – State School, Queensland School for the Deaf

The Admission Registers, Series ID 4515, relate to the Queensland School for the Deaf. The six registers contain details about students admitted to the Queensland School for the Deaf. Information recorded in the registers includes admission date and numer; pupil’s name in full with the surname appearing first; age at time of admission; date of…

Admission Registers, Reformatory School for Boys – Hulk Proserpine, Reformatory School for Boys, Lytton, Diamantina Reformatory School for Boys and Westbrook Reformatory for Boys.

These Admission Registers relate to the Reformatory School for Boys – Hulk Proserpine, Reformatory School for Boys, Lytton, Diamantina Reformatory School for Boys and Westbrook Reformatory for Boys. They record details of children admitted to the reformatories, including name, age, physical description, birthplace, trade or profession, details of trial and conviction, previous convictions, parent’s details,…

Registers of Children Hired Out, Townsville Orphanage

The Registers of Children Hired Out, Series ID 16296, contain details about children at the Townsville Orphanage who were placed in employment. Entries record details of employers and addresses, name and age of each child, date sent to service and remarks. Access Conditions This register has been digitised and is available for viewing on the…

Minute Books, Townsville Orphanage

The Minute Books, Series ID 5146, relate to the Townsville Orphanage. They record the minutes of meetings of the Townsville Orphanage Committee. The contents of the four books varies from year to year, however they generally record meeting attendees, summaries of correspondence received since the last meeting (including applications for admission), total numbers of staff…

Treatment Books, Townsville Orphanage

The Treatment Books, Series ID 5148, relate to the Townsville Orphanage. This book records details of the children in the Townsville Orphanage who required treatment during the doctor’s weekly visits. The information reported for each incidence of treatment varies, but can include the child’s name, injury, treatment and prognosis for recovery. Access Conditions Access to…