This correspondence relating to the Destitute Board office is held by State Records of SA. Very few records from earlier than 1921 have survived. Some surviving earlier correspondence concerns admissions to the Destitute Asylum. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although…
The archival series the Nominal List of Orphan and Deserted Children Taken Out of the Destitute Asylum is a record of the children who left the Destitue Asylum between 1855 and 1861. The series provides the child’s register number (given upon arrival), date of leaving, name, age, with whom they were placed, residence, by whom…
Details of persons (including children) admitted to the Asylum. Among other information entries provide name, age, nationality, religion, relatives, admission and discharge details and where discharged to. Notes on contents – A card index to this series is available. Each card gives (1) Name, (2) Age, (3) Residence, (4) Number of children, (5) How long…
This register provides details of child born and information about parents. Entries give names, date of birth of child, religion, nationality, date of discharge and where gone to. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to…
Brief minutes relating to all aspects of the business of this committee. Many entries relate to the cases of individual girls under the care of the Council. Quantity: 1 volume. Related Homes include Redruth Girls Reformatory (1897 – 1922), Edwardstown Industrial School (1898 – 1950) and Central Depot (1900 – 1965). Access Conditions A Research…
This series contains photostats made by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in 1966 of the Report of the Sub-Protector of Aborigines for the year ended 31 December 1878 and the Report of the Sub-Protector of Aborigines – Aborigines of the Far North and West Coast, dated 20 March 1892. It also includes annual reports of…
These minutes include references to placements of Aboriginal children and may contain references to Campbell House as it was specifically developed for Aboriginal youths. These minutes also refer to Kurbingai Hostel. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early…
These reports contain regular summaries concerning developments at homes under the control of the Department for Families and Community Services and its predecessor agencies, including the Department of Social Welfare and Aboriginal Affairs The summaries from Children’s homes include the number of children and their activities, building and other improvements and changing routines and policies…
These two large photo albums (GRG 29/136) contain photographs of institutions under the control of the Department of Social Welfare and its predecessors, as well as some privately run institutions. Photographs include images of interiors and exteriors of institutions as well as children and staff. A large number of photographs of children on annual camps…
Brief minutes relating to all aspects of the business of this committee. Many entries relate to the cases of individual children under the care of the Council. Quantity: 1 volume. Related Homes include Boys Reformatory, Magill; Central Depot; Edwardstown Industrial School and Redruth Girls Reformatory. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the…