The Register of Children Admitted and Discharged from the Infant School gives the name of the children, ages, parents’ names and ships of arrival, dates of leaving the school, and religions. It includes general remarks. Access Conditions Open This register has been digitised and is available online.
The Register of Children Admitted and Discharged from the Male and Female Orphan School gives the child’s name, age, date admitted, parents’ names and ships of arrival, dates of removal, and religions. It includes general remarks. In general, boys and girls were entered at opposite ends of the book. However young boys were indexed and…
The Daily Journal of Admissions and Discharges to Queen’s Orphan Schools provides the date of admission or discharge, the child’s age, and remarks. Access Conditions Open. This item has been digitised and is available online.
The Register of children at Boys Home Lansdowne Crescent; Girls Industrial School, Hobart Training School for Females, St Josephs Orphanage for whom a Government Allowance is Payable provides the date of the child’s admission, name, date of birth, the fund for payment, by whose order admitted, the name of the ship of arrival, and the…
The Personal Files of Children who Lived at the Home contain the correspondence, school results, and photographs of children living in the Northern Tasmanian Home for Boys, later known as Glenara. The photographs mainly belong to the 1970s and 1980s. Child, Youth and Family Services were told that staff at the home destroyed earlier files….
Vaccinations and infectious diseases log – Seaforth Home is a register used to record medical information about residents of the Seaforth Convalescent Home and Seaforth Home at Somerton Park between 1941 and 1973. It includes information about vaccinations received and infectious diseases contracted by the residents. Access Conditions Access to this series is restricted. Records…
The List of Residents for St John’s Boys Town includes the names of boys living at the Home in the year 1942. Access Conditions Please contact the Professional Standards Office Records Service of the Catholic Church for an application form and information regarding the procedures and conditions for accessing information. The Professional Standards Office does…
‘General administration files, multiple number, closed series – Department for Community Welfare and successor agencies’ (GRS/2401) is a series of records concerning various subjects such as: minutes of meetings, ministerial enquiries, funding agreements, training programmes etc. related to the work of the Department. These files rarely mention the names of children. Access Conditions A Research…
These records of the Crippled Children’s Association of SA Inc, held by the State Library of SA, include case files from the Social Workers’ Department together with general organisational files. Please note some of these records are restricted and can only be accessed with written permission from the Medical Director or Clinical Director of Novita…
The Professional Standards Office Records Service of the Catholic Church holds a number of folders containing information relating to individual former residents of a number of Homes run by the Catholic Church. The contents of these folders vary. Some contain little or no information but others may contain items such as admission forms, maintenance and…