
Personal Papers Of Ethel M. Young, O A M

The Personal Papers Of Ethel M. Young, O A M, a non-state archival series, includes information about the Sunshine Home for Crippled Children. The papers are on loan from the donor. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records The two items…

Ministerial Files-Unregistered

Ministerial Files – Unregistered is an archival series created by the Office of the Minister for Community Welfare and Child and Elderly Care between 1982 and 1985. The series contains a range of archival records relating to issues such as children’s welfare, disability services, and aged care. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible…

General Correspondence, Public Service Board

General Correspondence is an archival series. It relates to the administration of the Public Service Board and the Tasmanian Public Service. It contains items relating to children’s homes. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records The following items within this series…

Correspondence and Associated Papers Relating to Building for Government Departments Arranged Alphabetically by Department

The Correspondence and Associated Papers Relating to Building for Government Departments Arranged Alphabetically by Department is an archival series held by the Tasmanian Archives. It contains several items that relate to buildings that were children’s homes. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian…

General Correspondence-Hospital and Health Administration

The General Correspondence – Hospital and Health Administration files is an archival series created by the Hospital and Medical Services Division, located in the Public Health Department. It mostly contains information about hospital administration, as well as some items related to children’s homes. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For…

General Correspondence (4), Education Department

General Correspondence (4) consists of correspondence of the Education Department between 23 April 1906 and 21 July 1991. It contains several items relating to children’s homes. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records The following items in this series relate to…

Correspondence Files, Public Health Department

The Correspondence Files were generated by the Department of Public Health, the Division of Mental Hygiene, the Division of Mental Health, the Division of Psychiatric Services, and the Mental Health Services Commission. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records Files in…

Correspondence Relating to the Custody and Welfare of Children under Various Acts

The Correspondence Relating to the Custody and Welfare of Children under Various Acts contains the case files of children brought to the attention of the state. The records were created by the government departments with responsibility for child welfare. These records comprise correspondence associated with the provision of ‘care’ for children in a variety of…

Register of Applications from Individuals to Become Foster Parents, Central Committee for Boarding Out Destitute Children

The Register of Applications from Individuals to Become Foster Parents includes the name of the applicants, their addresses and their suitability. Access Conditions This register has been digitised and is available online. The pages of the register relating to applications to become foster parents are available by selecting the SWD44 contents tabs on the left…

Index to Children Boarded Out, Central Committee for Boarding-Out Destitute Children

The Index to Children Boarded-Out gives the number of the case, the date of birth, the religion, the name and residence of the foster parent, and the amount paid to her weekly. It is roughly alphabetical. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian…