This Archival Series contains 2 volumes of registers, correspondence and other documents relating to ‘student behaviour’. These records were made by the Christian Brothers and relate to the schools and ‘care’ the Christian Brothers ran between 1904 and 1959. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact Heritage and Information Service, MacKillop Family Services….
Files (Aboriginal matters) – Chief Secretary’s Department were created by the central registry of the Colonial Secretary’s Office/Chief Secretary’s Department (even though much of the correspondence was sent to, and from, the Chief Protector of Aborigines or his deputy). The files in this series, along with the files from the Department of the North-West (Records…
Files – Department of Aborigines and Fisheries contains both inward and outward correspondence of the Department, filed by subject. Subjects the files deal with include missions, children’s homes, institutions, the removal of children from families and communities, lock hospitals, movement and employment of Aboriginal people, requests for permission for marriage, contracts and permits, exemptions from…
Correspondence Files comprises the main file series for the Colonial Secretary’s Office/Chief Secretary’s Department for the post-1883 period. The correspondence files deal with all functions the office had oversight or control of. Records from the Colonial Secretary’s Office contain information about out of home care in Western Australia, as well as a range of other…
Administration and personal/welfare files of the South West District Office (also known as the Southern District office) of the Department of Native Affairs and the Department of Native Welfare. The files are concerned with education, health, housing, employment, welfare, missions and reserves. This series includes records relating to the East Perth Girls’ Home, Mogumber, and…
Files – Aborigines Department is an archival series which comprises records that were created by the Aborigines Department and its successor agencies – the Department of Native Welfare and the Department of Native Affairs – up until 1972 when welfare functions, and their associated files, were transferred to the newly created Department for Community Welfare….
This series contains the School Journals of the Parkerville Primary School, Western Australia. A School Journal is the Head Teacher’s record of events and activities at a school. School journals frequently name children and may briefly describe children’s accidents, illnesses or other incidents. Children from the Parkerville Children’s Home went to the Parkerville Primary School…
This series of files from the Department of Education, the Ministry of Education and the Education Department of Western Australia are held in the State Records Office of WA. The series contains files relating to various schools and covers such things as establishment of schools (including mission schools), school buildings, and policies. It is included…
‘Files – Community Welfare (“A” Series) is a very large series of files on administrative matters relating to the welfare of children in out of home care in Western Australia from 1908 to 1990. It contains files created by the Public Charities and State Children’s Department, the State Children’s Department, the Child Welfare Department, the…
This Archival Series has 4 Archival Folders from the Christian Brothers which hold registers and other documents relating to financial matters about students. It includes information about child endowment, wages, school fees. These records are primarily about Clontarf students and the records are very incomplete.Sadly because of these gaps information about some students may be…