
M3846 Fairbridge Society of Tasmania

M3846 Fairbridge Society of Tasmania mostly concerns the parent following scheme run by the Fairbridge Society. Under that scheme the children migrated to Tasmania first and their parents arrived later. The Tasmanian Government Tourism and Immigration Department created the records. Access Conditions Closed C50 years C50 means that, except to particular groups, these records are…

M1283 [1] St John Bosco Boys Town

M1283 [1] St John Bosco Boys Town contains correspondence between Boys’ Town and the Social Services Department. The correspondence is about psychological testing of boys, with their names, the lack of feminine influence at Boys’ Town and attempts to improve it, and Fathers Coles’ application to send some boys to West Australia. The file also…

M365 British Evacuee Children Nominated to Australia-Overseas League

M365 British Evacuee Children Nominated to Australia – Overseas League, contains correspondence between the Tasmanian government and the Overseas League between 1947 and 1950. The correspondence concerned the League’s scheme to bring British child migrants to Tasmania. The file also contains some newspaper clippings. There are no names of children. Access Conditions Open These records…

M440 Young Men’s Christian Association-Youth Migration Scheme

M440 Young Men’s Christian Association – Youth Migration Scheme contains correspondence between the Commonwealth Minister for Immigration, the Tasmanian Government Tourist and Immigration Department, and the Young Men’s Christian Association about the possibility of bringing British boys, aged between 14 and 16, to Tasmania as migrants. The correspondence suggests that this never happened. Access Conditions…

M903 [3] Big Brother Movement of Tasmania

M903 [3] Big Brother Movement of Tasmania contains correspondence between the Big Brother Movement, the Social Services Department and its successor, the Social Welfare Department, and the Tasmanian Government Tourist and Immigration Department. It provides information about the formation of the Big Brother Movement in Tasmania and some of its early difficulties. The file contains…

General Correspondence-21-38, Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine

General Correspondence – 21-38 contains the Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine, dated 1925. The General Correspondence – 21-38 is an item within the Chief Secretary’s Correspondence series. Access Conditions Open

Foster Homes-Proposed Establishment in the Northern Territory

Foster Homes – Proposed Establishment in the Northern Territory is an archival file containing correspondence between the Director of the Welfare Branch of the Northern Territory Administration and the Director of the Tasmanian Social Welfare Department. It contains information about receiving homes in Tasmania. Access Conditions Most government records are open for research 30 years…

Record Book for Dora Turner School

The Record Book for Dora Turner School dates from 1941 to 1956. It contains the names of girls with their grades in reading, writing, dictation, composition, and arithmetic. Occasionally it gives IQs. At times it notes absences, for instance because the girl was ill or at the Sunshine Home. Since some girls from the Industrial…

Register of the Admission of ‘Mental Defectives’, New Town Infirmary

The Register of the Admission of ‘Mental Defectives’ lists people living at the New Town Infirmary, and the institutions that superseded it, who were registered as ‘mental defects’ under the Mental Deficiency Act 1920. The age ranges were from 10 to 54. Access Conditions Open Records The Register gives the person’s name, age, date of…

M2554 St Joseph’s-Waterton Hall

M2554 St Joseph’s – Waterton Hall is a file created by the State Immigration Office. It contains correspondence and inspection reports related to the application by the Catholic Archbishop, EV Tweedy, for St Joseph’s Waterton Hall to become an approved institution for child migrants. The file closes with the cancellation of the approval as St…