
Records of the South Australia Youth Remand and Assessment Centre

The collection Records of the South Australia Youth Remand and Assessment Centre contains logs, admission/ intake cards and property disposition forms related to the South Australia Youth Remand and Assessment Centre, Vaughan House and a number of other Government-run institutions for children operating between 1961 and 1999. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable…

Coventry Home Records

Coventry Home Records is a collection of records related to Coventry Home between 1952 and 1981 held by the Anglican Diocese of Armidale. There are three groups of relevant records: Register of Admissions and Discharges 1952-1981 Particulars of Illness of Children 1953-1977 Personnel files for various children. Access Conditions Records can be accessed by contacting…

Gribble, E.R.B. (Ernest Richard Bulmer) 1868-1957, Collected Papers, 1892-1970

Gribble, E.R.B. (Ernest Richard Bulmer) 1868-1957, Collected Papers, 1892-1970 is a manuscript collection held by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (manuscript number MS 1515). Ernest Gribble co-founded the Yarrabah Mission alongside his father, J.B. Gribble, which they ran until 1910. Ernest Gribble then held a number of religious roles at…

Ministering Children’s League of Tasmania Collection, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery

The Ministering Children’s League of Tasmania Collection is held at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (QVMAG), Launceston. It contains records dating from c.1907 to 2006 that relate to the administration and activities of the Minstering Children’s League Tasmanian branch. Access Conditions These records are open access, and can be viewed by appointment at…

Try Boys Society Collection

The Try Boys Society Collection is a collection of over 300 images held by the State Library of Victoria. It includes images of boys from the Try Boys Society Clifden Farm Home at Wedderburn participating in various activities at the home, as well as portraits of members of the Try Boys Society. Access Conditions This…

Tuart Place Historical Photos Collection

The Tuart Place Historical Photos collection comprises images shared with the support service Tuart Place by former residents of children’s Homes in Western Australia and some past provider organisations. Access Conditions Access to the photos is limited to former residents of the Homes and family members/descendants. To access these photos please contact Tuart Place. Records…

Wybra Hall Records

The Wybra Hall records held by Tasmanian Archives consist of annual planners, daily comment books, absconding lists, duty diaries, and records of children’s education. The records date from 1981 to 1985. Access Conditions Restricted 75 years (E75) E75 means these records are closed to the general public for 75 years from the date of the…

Australian Red Cross Collection, University of Melbourne Archives

Australian Red Cross Collection is a collection donated to the University of Melbourne Archives (UMA) in 2013, as part of the Red Cross’s Centenary ‘Gift to the Nation’. The records at UMA come from the Australian Red Cross National Office and the Victorian Division of the Australian Red Cross. The collection includes some records relating…

Mental Health Photograph Collection

The Mental Health Photograph Collection previously available at Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital Library contains around 3,000 items. These date from the mid 1800s to 2002, with most pictures taken in the 1960s. Access Conditions Access to the materials is for non-commercial use only. Library users may not use or have access to the photographs unless…

Ballarat Benevolent Asylum Records

Surviving records of the Ballarat Benevolent Asylum are managed by Ballarat Health Services. These include admission registers (1859-1900) and annual general reports (1859 onwards). Entries in the admission register dated up to the 1920s have been transcribed by the Ballarat Historical Society. The transcriptions are available on the Ballarat Historical Society Website, and are organised…