
William Forster Try Boys’ Society Records

William Forster Try Boys’ Society Records are held at the State Library of Victoria. They date from 1887 to 1986. The collection includes records about children who attended the Try Boys’ Society, who were placed in employment by the Society, or resided in institutions run by the Society. Access Conditions For access to these records…

Victorian Government Wardship and/or Out of Home Care Records

Victorian Government Wardship and/or Out of Home Care records date back to 1864 and continue to be created in the present. The first records to be kept were Ward Registers, which assigned a number to each child who was made a ward of the state, and recorded information about them and their placements in institutions…

Wesley Mission Victoria Records

The Wesley Mission Victoria Records date from 1902. They include records of the Girls’ Memorial Home, The South Yarra Home, Tally Ho Boys’ Training Farm, Tally Ho Youth Services, Wesley Youth Services and Lincoln House. The records relate to children who were placed with these services. The types of records include admission book registers, individual…

Kildonan UnitingCare Records

The Kildonan UnitingCare Records collection dates from 1881 to 2001. The records relate to the operation of Kildonan Child and Family Services and its predecessor agencies. The collection includes client files, admission records, photographs and publications. Access Conditions Former residents (and their families) should contact the Uniting Heritage Service to find information, and access personal…

Orana UnitingCare Records

Orana UnitingCare Records is an archival collection dating between 1888 and 2011, and includes the records of Orana Homes, Livingstone House and the Methodist Homes for Children, Burwood. The types of records includes client records, admission and discharge registers, photographs, minute books and annual reports. Access Conditions Former residents (and their families) should contact the…

St Luke’s Anglicare Records

St Luke’s Anglicare Records is a collection including the records of children and young people cared for by St Luke’s Anglicare in out-of-home care from 1979. Access Conditions Past clients of St Luke’s out of home services can access their records by applying to the Heritage Client Practitioner at Anglicare Victoria. Please mention your name,…

Child and Family Services Ballarat Records

The collection at Child and Family Services Ballarat dates from 1865. It includes records of Ballarat District Orphan Asylum, Ballarat Orphanage, Ballarat Children’s Homes, Ballarat Orphanage Boys’ Hostel, Ballarat Children’s Homes and Family Services, and Ballarat Female Refuge. The records relate to children who were placed in these residences. The types of records include admission…

MacKillop Family Services Records, Victorian institutions

MacKillop Family Services holds more than 115,000 individual records relating to children and mothers who were in institutions in the state of Victoria run by the Christian Brothers, Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of St Joseph. The collection dates from 1857 onwards, and includes client admission registers, admission cards and paper files, photographs, annual…

Berry Street Heritage Collection

The Berry Street Heritage Collection dates back to around 1877. The records relate to the operation of Berry Street and its predecessor agencies. The collection includes client records, admission records, visitors’ book from Sutherland Homes reunion, press cuttings, Berry Street publications and photographs. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the Berry Street…

Glastonbury & BCYF Records

Glastonbury & BCYF Records date from 1853 to 2023 and relate to the operation of Barwon Child Youth & Family, Glastonbury Community Services and their predecessor agencies dating back to 1854. The records are held by Meli. The collection includes the records of over 2,000 children that were in the organisations’ ‘care’. The collection includes…