Menzies Inc. Records relate to the operation of Menzies Inc. and its predecessor agencies. The collection dates back to 1886. It includes client records dated up to 1914, historical memorabilia and photographs. Access Conditions Menzies adheres to regulations governing privacy and confidentiality of records. Assistance is given to clients requiring access to their records and…
Lutheran Children’s Home records is an archival collection held by the Victorian Government held by the Department of Health & Human Services. Access Conditions Former residents and their families can contact the Care Leaver Records Service, Freedom of Information Unit for access to these records. Records There are a number of records series within the…
The Lutheran Archives in Adelaide holds records relating to the administration of the Lutheran Children’s Home, which was located in Surrey Hills and Kew, Victoria. The collection at Lutheran Archives comprises minutes of meetings of the Committee of Management and the Auxiliary, and some financial records. Access Conditions Access to some records in this collection…
This collection at the State Library of Victoria relates to the Gordon Institute. It comprises: correspondence 1902-1904; letterbooks 1906-1936; minute books 1904-1947; boys’ registers 1887-1937; children’s registers 1900-1910; cash books and records of expenditure; visitors’ book; records of application for work 1889-1902; and miscellaneous papers. A descriptive list of the collection is available.
Children’s Protection Society (CPS) Records are a collection of records held by the Department of Health & Human Services dating from 1970 to 1995 (with the majority of files from the early 1970s until 1986). The collection contains client case file index cards, case notes, client case files, correspondence, investigation notes, case closure summaries, court…
Kids First Australia (formerly the Children’s Protection Society (CPS)) manages its client records dating from 1985. Clients have a right to access these files. In some cases, the information will only by released with counselling support. The CPS holds records relating to Alys Keys House, Heidelberg; Currawong House, Hamilton; Robin House, Fitzroy; Swan House, Traralgon…
The archival collection at OzChild dates back to the late 1950s, and includes records from Melbourne Family Care and Family Action, the Victorian Children’s Aid Society and Family Focus. Access Conditions Access to these records are restricted to former residents and their families and the records must be applied for in writing. If you’re a…
The Good Shepherd Archive collection of records of provision of residential care in Victoria dates from 1863 to around 1981. The collection includes the records of the various orphanages and other residences run by the Good Shepherd Sisters in Abbotsford, Albert Park, Bendigo, and Oakleigh. The collection includes admission and discharge records, which usually contain…
Anglicare Victoria Records is a collection of records dating from 1886. It contains records of people who spent time as children or young people in homes, institutions or other out-of-home care setting provided by Anglicare Victoria or any of its predecessor agencies. The types of records include client files, admission and discharge registers, index cards…
Good Shepherd Youth and Family Services Records is a collection held by the Good Shepherd Archive. It relates to the activities of the Good Shepherd Youth and Family Services dates from 1983 to 2014. It includes records relating to: Adolescent Placement from 1991; Foster Care Program (0-11 yrs) from 1983; Living in Nurturing Communities Home…