
Records held by Kemblawarra Child and Family Centre

Kemblawarra Child and Family Centre holds records dating back to 1980 about their emergency care service. The records include information about admissions, discharges, and enrollments, case work files, and general information forms about clients. Access Conditions Access to information is limited to past clients and their families on a ‘need to know’ basis. For access…

Records held by the Convent of Mercy Archives

The Records held by the Convent of Mercy Archives include Admssion Registers from St Brigid’s Girls’ Home, St Michael’s Orphanage and St Michael’s Children’s Home. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta Congregation. Access to information is generally restricted to the person to whom the information relates, or…

Records held by Presbyterian Social Services

Records held by Presbyterian Social Services include casework files for all youths who resided at Kyle Williams Home, New Anchor and Cornerstone since 1988. The files contain information about the youth including: name; date of birth; names of parents and siblings; family background information; reason for entering the residential unit; referral details; counselling information; case…

Records held by Burnside Archives

The Burnside Archive includes records dating back to the establishment of the Burnside children’s homes in 1911. Records include client files, admission records, and hospital admission registers. The information listed below is indicative of the type of information contained in these records, however this may vary depending on who created the record, the Home it…

Records held by Wesley Mission

Records held by Wesley Mission includes client files and admission, discharge, and notification registers relating to the Children’s Homes run by Wesley Mission and its predecessors, dating back to 1893. The information listed below is indicative of the type of information contained in these records, however this may vary depending on who created the record,…

Records held by the Good Samaritan Archives relating to Children’s Homes

The records held by the Good Samaritan Archives relating to Children’s Homes include the admission registers from a number of institutions run by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the Good Samaritan Archives. Access is restricted to former clients or residents, who are able to access…

St Joseph’s Cowper Records

St Joseph’s Cowper Records collection includes records of some description for every child who has been in ‘care’ there since 1912. This collection includes an admissions register and client file cards dating from 1912, baptismal certificates dating from 1915, assorted photographs, and client case files for the 1980s. Access Conditions Conditional Access – Former residents…

Records of institutions run by the Sisters of Mercy (North Sydney)

The records of institutions run by the Sisters of Mercy (North Sydney) accessed through Family Spirit. The collection includes records from institutions run by the Sisters of Mercy – the Waitara Foundling Home, Our Lady of Mercy Home, Waitara and St Catherine’s Orphanage in Brooklyn. Access Conditions Access to information is restricted to the person…

Records of the St Saviour’s Children’s Home and St Saviour’s Cottage Home

The Records of the St Saviour’s Children’s Home and St Saviour’s Cottage Home is a collection containing records dated between 1929 and 1994, relating to St Saviour’s Children’s Home, St Saviour’s Neighbourhood Centre, St Saviour’s Cottage and Anglicare’s Adolescent Program. It contains various records about children admitted to St Saviour’s, and about the administration of…

Records held by CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning

CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning holds many files and photographs of and about children cared for in orphanages and homes throughout the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. CatholicCare recognises the importance of the files they hold to those who have been in ‘care’. There is no charge for the search and retrieval of records or for copying and…