
St George’s Homes, Rockhampton Records

The Diocese of Rockhampton (Anglican Church of Australia) holds a collection of records relating to St George’s Orphanage and St George’s Homes. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the Anglican Diocese of Rockhampton. The records are not accessible to the general public. Former residents of the Homes are supplied with any personal…

Granada Hostel, Records

The Hospitaller Order of St John of God has advised that the following records from Granada Hostel exist: Admission Register (containing names, dates of admission and discharge) 1979 to 1985 and Personal files (which contain only basic information) exist for most of the clients. Access Conditions Former clients or other authorised relevant persons seeking information…

St Vincent’s Orphanage Records

The St Vincent’s Orphanage Records, held by the Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation, also contain records from the Industrial School for Girls Nudgee, the Virginia Share House, Ascot Family Group Home, Avila Family Group Home and Narnia Family Group Home. Access Conditions Records of St Vincent’s Orphanage are held by the Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane…

Commonwealth Child and Youth Migration Records

The National Archives of Australia (NAA) holds many records which provide information of interest to former child migrants. The records relating to individual child and youth migrants are essentially those concerned with their entry into Australia rather than the day-to-day care once they had arrived. The NAA also holds a number of policy and administrative…

Society of St Francis Records, 1953-1978

Society of St Francis Records, 1953-1978 are administrative records of the Society of St Francis. They are part of the Heritage Collection of John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland. Access Conditions Please contact Heritage Collections, State Library of Queensland for information about accessing this collection.

Mater Health Services Records

The Mater Health Services Records comprise records for persons treated at the Mater group of hospitals. The collection includes birth registers from the Mater Mothers Hospital dating back to July 1965. Access Conditions For those persons wishing to obtain copies of health records, a “Clinical records request form” can be downloaded from the Mater Health…

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Records

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital holds records for persons treated at the hospital, including birth records and other patient records. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Requests for records should be made in writing and certified by a Justice of the Peace. Proof of identity…

St Joseph’s Home Records

St Joseph’s Home was also known as Meteor Park Orphanage and Neerkol Orphanage. The St Joseph’s Home Records are held by the Sisters of Mercy. They comprise Registers dating from 1885 to 1968, Registers from 1960 to 1979. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia…

Records of Mt Maria, Home of the Good Shepherd, Queensland

Records of Mt Maria, Home of the Good Shepherd is a collection relating to the Good Shepherd Home for Girls (also known as the Industrial School for Girls, Mitchelton, 1933-1966), the Mt Maria Re-education Centre (1966-1973) and the Mt Maria Youth Centre (1973-1974). Access Conditions Care leavers (and their families) wanting to find information about…

W. R. Black Home and Blackheath Home Records

The W. R. Black Home and Blackheath Home Records are held by the Presbyterian Church of Queensland. These records contain some basic information about children who lived at these Homes. Access Conditions The Presbyterian Church of Queensland Archives will provide information from these records to former residents. Access to some information may be restricted to…