Teen Challenge Queensland Records include some personal records of former residents of Hebron House.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Records are the documents created by government departments and other organisations in the course of their involvement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland over time. The records contain a wealth of information about individuals, families, communities and places. This information exists because of the control past…
The Xavier Children’s Support Network Records consist of files that contain personal details of the child and parents, as well as case notes. The amount of information for each child varies. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact Xavier Children’s Support Network. Records information is available to the person to whom the information…
The Adele Kieseker Collection, Reference code 3379, is a collection of material relating to the Queen Alexandra Home and the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War Two. Access Conditions Please contact Heritage Collections, John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland for information about accessing this collection.
Records of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia: Hope Vale Mission Board, reference number MS 2369, consist of photocopies of correspondence, reports, records and printed material from the Hope Vale Mission Board, Brisbane, Queensland. Access Conditions For access to this collection please contact the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)….
Centacare Brisbane Records is a collection that contains some records relating to Kiah Hostel, Norman Park and St Martin’s Centre, West End. Centacare Brisbane advises that the records are scarce and include documents relating to people admitted to the hostels by state authorities. Access Conditions For access to these records please submit a formal request…
Cootharinga North Queensland – Ability First! advise that they have the following records relating to the Cootharinga home for Crippled Children: admission registers, school admission registers, and photographs. Unfortunately, all medical records for former residents have been destroyed. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact Cootharinga North Queensland. Former residents wishing to access…
The Silky Oaks Haven for Children describes its collection of records as containing: ‘Personal information regarding entry and discharge dates, birth dates, parent and sibling names, school history, photographs of the site and accommodation, some contain records of the reasons for discharge. Photographs of the buildings and area show the location and accommodation of the…
The records about Tufnell Home, Nundah at the Anglican Records and Archives Centre include Admissions Book, Baptism Registers, correspondence, day to day diaries, case files and medical records created by Tufnell Home. The collection has records dated from 1893 to the 1990s. The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane supports the efforts of past residents of Tufnell…
There are records relating to St Mary’s Home in Toowong, held by the Anglican Records and Archives Centre. Records The Diocese of Brisbane (Anglican Church of Australia) has advised that the following records exist in relation to St Mary’s Home, Toowong: Baptism Register Sept 1899 to Sept 1939; Nov 1939 to Jan 1954 Nursing Home…