The Highgate Park Heritage Collection relates to The Home for Incurables and its successors, the Julia Farr Centre, Julia Farr Services and Highgate Park. The collection includes administrative records and a limited number of patient related records. The date range covered by the records and other material is 1879 to 2020. The collection was held…
The records held by the Sisters of St Joseph Archives, Adelaide are primarily historical and general records related to the work of the Sisters in South Australia. The Archives holds no personal records of children who lived in institutions run by the Sisters. All personal records are held by the Professional Standards Records Service of…
The Fairbridge Society in Britain held personal and institutional records that may be of interest to people who were placed in as children at Fairbridge Farm School, Pinjarra, Western Australia, or at Drapers Hall in South Australia. These records are now managed by The Prince’s Trust, a British charitable organisation that merged with Fairbridge in…
The collection, Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Synod in Australia, contains records relating to the Kallilpaninna Mission (also known as the Bethesda Mission Station) at Killalpaninna in South Australia and its outstations at Kopperamanna and Etadunna. It also contains records relating to the Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory. The collection includes correspondence, school…
The collection Records of the Spastic Centres of South Australia includes records created by the Spastic Centres of South Australia Inc (SCOSA) and its predecessor the South Australian Spastic Paralysis Welfare Association (SASPWA). These include minutes, correspondence, photographs and other documents that may include information relating to the Woodville Spastic Centre and its predecessors, Dew…
The collection Records of Aboriginal Missions in South Australia includes resources relating to the history of Aboriginal missions in South Australia including records created by these Missions. There is a finding aid for these records available online. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the State Library of South Australia. Researchers can have…
This collection cosists of client records from The Home for Incurables and its successors, and from institutions run by the Intellectually Disabled Services Council, including the Strathmont Centre and Ru Rua Nursing Home. These records include client registers and files. The records may also contain information related to other private disability services such as Minda…
The collection Records of the Mentally Retarded Children’s Society of South Australia Inc. includes records of Orana Incorporated, comprising minutes, correspondence, membership lists, reports and papers relating to mental health. Access Conditions For access to these records please contact the State Library of South Australia. Researchers can have access to documents, photographs, recordings and transcripts…
This collection of records of the Lady Victoria Buxton Girls Club comprises three minute books with annual reports attached, 1917-1944, and one index book containing information related to the collection of ‘tins’ during World War II, ca.1937-1944. It includes one colour photograph of the former Lady Victoria Buxton Girls Club buildings in Whitmore Square prior…
Records of McBride Maternity Hospital, formerly Adelaide Maternity Home is a collection of records that date from 1893 to 1982 created by staff at the Adelaide Maternity Hospital, McBride Maternity Hospital and McBride Hospital. The records are held at the State Records of South Australia and include admission and discharge registers, clinical registers, patient information,…