
Collection of material relating to the Girls Friendly Society

The collection of material relating to the Girls Friendly Society dates from 1907 and includes nine different items of ephemera. These include programmes, leaflets and a members guide. There is a collection listing available on the catalogue entry. Access Conditions This collection is open access. For access to these records please contact the State Library…

Girls’ Friendly Society, Records

The archive holds a unique collection of documents and memorabilia including certificates, photographs, liturgical items and badges from 1888 to the present. Many of the early records were produced by the eminent women of Perth Society. Access Conditions For access to this collection please contact the Girls’ Friendly Society.

South Perth Hospital Maternity Records

South Perth Hospital Maternity Records is a collection of medical records for maternity patients that includes records of the South Perth Community Centre Hospital Inc. Women who were sent there from the Ngal-a Mothercraft Home and Training Centre Inc (Ngala) between 1959 and 1980 may have maternity records at the hospital. Babies who were born…

Calvary Youth Services, Records

Calvary Youth Services, Records is a collection of intake and exit records and case notes and may include some other client documents such as Centrelink Income Statements. Records are kept by the agency for around five years and are then destroyed. Access Conditions Records are restricted to protect the privacy of individuals but people are…

Lady Lawley Cottage by the Sea, Records

Lady Lawley Cottage by the Sea, Records is a collection of documents relating to children and to organisational management that dates from the late 1940s to 2000s. The records include client records and registers, Ward reports, admission referral letters and discharge summaries. They are held by the Australian Red Cross Society in Melbourne. Access Conditions…

STAY Geraldton Records

STAY Geraldton Records is a collection of records held by Short Term Accommodation for Youth Inc, Geraldton (STAY Geraldton). The records include admission and assessment documents, case notes and records supplied by young people during their admission or residence (such as medical and educational records). In around 2005, the collection of records was reviewed. The…

StreetsYde Records

StreetsYde, Records is a collection of records held by the YMCA Perth in relation to its StreetsYde emergency accommodation program. The collection includes case files (2002-February 2013); counselling records (2003-February 2013); guest records (2006-2013); and statistical data (December 1998-February 2013). Access Conditions If you want to access records with your personal information, you need to…

Children’s Court of Western Australia, Records

The Children’s Court of Western Australia, Records is a collection of records held by the Children’s Court of Western Australia. Records include transcripts of court proceedings, documents supplied to the court during hearings, and court orders. Access Conditions Children’s Court of Western Australia records are restricted to protect the privacy of individuals. Applications to access…

Mission Australia – Youth Accommodation and Support Service (YASS), Records

Mission Australia – Youth Accommodation and Support Service (YASS), Records is a collection of case files on young people who were accommodated by the YASS. The collection includes case notes, admission documents and consent forms. One year after the young person has left the service, the case files are deposited with an off-site archiving service….

TINOCA Records

TINOCA, Records is a collection of records held by Youth Futures WA Inc, which has been the name of TINOCA since 2010. The collection includes an admission book for all residents since 1988. Case files are also included in the collection, but are only held for five years after they are closed. Access Conditions Youth…