
CREATE Foundation

CREATE Foundation (formerly known as the Australian Association of Young People in Care AAYPIC) was established in 1993 to provide an independent voice for children and young people in out-of-home care. CREATE seeks to connect and empower Australian children and young people in care and, change the care system through activities, programs, training, research and…

STAY Geraldton

STAY Geraldton began in 1984. STAY means ‘short term accommodation for youth’ and it has provided services for young people aged 13-25 years since that time. STAY is run by a private management committee as a 24-hour service. STAY Geraldton began in 1984 and by 1987 it received funding from the Youth Supported Accommodation Program,…

Hawthorn Youth Welfare Service

The Hawthorn Youth Welfare Service was established by the Victorian state government in 1970. It provided short term, non-residential care for approximately 100 14 -17 year old males each year. Young men were placed on probation to the Youth Welfare Service for six to twelve months. They attended the service under close supervision for three…

Western Youth Welfare Service, State of Victoria

The Western Youth Welfare Service (WYWS) was established by the Victorian government in Ascot Vale in 1975. It provided residence and support for about 200 young people every year. The WYWS included a hostel that helped prepare residents return home or to live independently. It also ran day and evening programs to assist young people…

Marlow Cottage

Marlow Cottage, Kaleen, was established in 1986 under the Children’s Services Act 1986. It was originally known as Kaleen Youth Shelter and was run by the Welfare Branch, and later the Housing and Community Services Bureau of the ACT Government. In November 1995, it transitioned to a non-government provider and has since operated under the…

Outreach House

The Outreach House was established in 1976 and is run by the Richmond Fellowship of the ACT Inc. It provides housing for young people aged 11 to 18 years who are unable to live at home. The program promotes educational opportunities and participation in social and recreational activities.

Karinya Young Women’s Shelter

Karinya Young Women’s Shelter is an organisation that provides short term crisis accommodation to young women aged 13 to 20 years old. It was originally established in Launceston in 1979 on a feminist-based collective model. In 2020 Karinya can provide crisis accommodation for up to six young women at a time, and also runs a…

Carlisle Group House

Carlisle Group House was established by Anglicare WA in 1976. By 1983, it provided support and medium term accomodation for up to eight young people aged 16-20 years in a group house setting. It closed around 1994, and was replaced by Anglicare Youth House.

Calvary Youth Services Mandurah Inc.

Calvary Youth Services Mandurah Inc. was the new name given in 1993 to Calvary Welfare Services. Since then it has provided emergency accommodation and support services to teenagers and young people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness. Calvary Youth Services was incorporated on 16 February 1993, as Calvary Youth Services Mandurah Inc.,…

Bunyap Inc.

Bunyap Inc. was the new name given in 1993 to the Bunbury Youth Accommodation Project.The organisation sought to provide accommodation services to help young people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness to develop skills to live independently. Services included accommodation, financial and practical living skills development and counselling. In 1997, Bunyap Inc. became…