Ashley Home for Boys, in Deloraine, replaced the Boys’ Training School in 1926. It was a government run reformatory which took in boys aged eight to 18, until the 1950s when it only took in boys over 14. From 1988, Ashley also accommodated girls. The Home operated on a privilege system, with boys working under…
The government-run Adelaide Youth Training Centre opened at Cavan in 2012. It replaced the Magill Training Centre and Cavan Training Centre as a secure institution for young offenders. The Centre focuses on education and rehabilitation for young men and women aged between 10 and 18 who are on remand and detention warrants. The Centre accommodates…
The Boys’ Probationary School opened at Wistow near Mount Barker in 1900 as a private institution for boys in State care. It was run by the Salvation Army under the control of the government. Boys who were deemed to have behavioural problems were placed there. In 1945 the government ceased control of the School and…
The Magill Training Centre was the new name for government’s secure care facility, the South Australian Youth Training Centre from 1993. At this time older offenders were moved to the Cavan Training Centre and Magill was used for young people only. Young women were also moved from the South Australian Youth Remand and Assessment Centre…
Cavan Training Centre was opened by the government in 1993 at Cavan as a purpose built secure care facility for young men aged between 15 and 18. It accommodated young offenders previously held at the South Australian Youth Training Centre which was renamed the Magill Training Centre. Cavan changed its name to the Adelaide Youth…
The Salvation Army Boys’ Home, Mount Barker, also known as Eden Park, was the new name given to the Boys’ Probationary School at Wistow in 1945. Run by the Salvation Army, the Home accommodated boys deemed to have emotional or behavioural problems. Some Aboriginal boys were also admitted. From 1950 the Home was subject to…
Vaughan House was opened at Enfield in 1947 as a Government reformatory for girls who were state wards. It was formerly the Salvation Army run Barton Vale Girls’ Home. Initially most girls were Protestant as Catholic girls were sent to the Convent of the Good Shepherd, The Pines. In 1960, 40-50 girls were in residence….
The South Australian Youth Training Centre, SAYTC, was the new name given to McNally Training Centre in 1979. It operated in Magill as a government secure care facility for up to 90 youths aged between the ages of 15 and 18. In 1993, the name of the centre changed to the Magill Training Centre. In…
The South Australian Youth Remand and Assessment Centre, SAYRAC, was the new name given to Vaughan House in 1979. Located in Enfield, this government-run Centre provided secure care and assessment for boys and girls aged 10 to 18. It also accommodated children who had not committed offences. SAYRAC closed in 1993 when the Cavan Training…
The McNally Training Centre opened at Magill in 1967 in new buildings on the site of the Boys’ Reformatory, Magill. Run by the government, it provided secure care for boys aged 15 to 18 sentenced by the Juvenile Court for committing offences. Younger boys were sent to Brookway Park. In the 1970s McNally also took…