
Freeman Cottage

Freeman Cottage was opened in 1984 by the Wesley Mission as a family group home. It was located in Abbottsford. As at 2014, it is not clear when this home closed or whether it has.

Barnett Cottage

Barnett Cottage at Mt Druitt was set up in 1984 by Wesley Mission to provide emergency care for children. As at 2014, it is not clear when this home closed, or whether it has.

Bernard-Smith Children’s Home

The Bernard-Smith Children’s Home was established at Hamilton Park, Pymble by the Central Methodist Mission. It opened on 27 February 1960 after the building, Hamilton Park, was donated by Ken Bernard-Smith, a solicitor. It could accomodate 25 children children aged from two to 17. The Home closed in 1988. It was reported on that…

Francis Street Annexe (Wesley Central Mission)

The Francis Street Annexe of Wesley Central Mission was converted to a children’s home in 1980 to house Vietnamese refugee children who arrived without parents, and homeless teenagers. It is thought to have closed around 1990.

Hope Haven

Hope Haven was set up by the Central Methodist Mission in George Street, Sydney in 1907 as a half-way house, or rescue home, for ‘friendless girls’. Its residents were homeless, single mothers, addicts and ex-prisoners. Hope Haven was converted to a home for mothers and children in 1913, but still seems to have been performing…

Alexandra Rescue Home

The Alexandra Rescue Home was run by the Central Methodist Mission as a home for young unmarried mothers and female rescue home. It was at Enfield (sometimes referred to as Burwood) and operated from 1902 until 1929. Initially it had 20 beds but was expanded in 1906 to provide accommodation for up to 50 girls….

Wesley James Home

Wesley James Home, in Burwood, was established by the Central Methodist Mission in 1976 then run by the Wesley Central Mission from 1977. According to Wesley Mission, which is the new name for the Wesley Central Mission, Wesley James Home provided family-style living for young people who had graduated from children’s homes. As at 2014,…

Gateway Children’s Home

Gateway Children’s Home, at Lewisham, was set up by the Central Methodist Mission in 1964 as a short-term childcare centre for children in crisis. It had accommodation for 14 children. In 2014, Wesley Dalmar Children’s Services (part of Wesley Mission) ran the premises as Gateway Children’s Cottage (also called Gateway House), a crisis care accommodation…

Central Methodist Mission, Sydney

The Central Methodist Mission, founded in 1885 by the Wesleyan Methodist Church, became a major provider of welfare services and ministry in Sydney and across New South Wales. It developed Dalmar Home in the early 20th century, and was involved in the establishment of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. It ran children’s camps for young…

Wesley Central Mission, Sydney

Wesley Central Mission had its origins in the Methodist Church, which began operating in Sydney from 1812 and formed the Central Methodist Mission. In 1977, when members of the Uniting, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches formed the Uniting Church in Australia, the Central Methodist Mission was renamed the Wesley Central Mission. Wesley Mission became a major…