Adventist Support is an organisation for people who wish to register a complaint or discuss their experiences in institutions run by the Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It was founded in February 2000. In 2006 its name changed to Safe Place Services, and in 2017 the name was again changed to AdSafe,…
CREATE Foundation (formerly known as the Australian Association of Young People in Care AAYPIC) was established in 1993 to provide an independent voice for children and young people in out-of-home care. CREATE seeks to connect and empower Australian children and young people in care and, change the care system through activities, programs, training, research and…
Families Australia was established in 2001, and is Australia’s peak body dedicated to promoting the needs and interests of families. Families Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which is not aligned to any political party or religious group. Families Australia provides secretariat and support services to the Alliance for Forgotten Australians.
Stolen Generations Victoria Ltd was formed on17 June 2005 to support and address the needs of people affected by practices and policies of removing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from family, community, country and culture. Stolen Generations Vic Ltd was defunded in February 2010 and the service at Wurruk Avenue in Preston closed its…
Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN), founded in 2000 in Sydney, is a support and advocacy group for people brought up in care away from their family as state wards or children raised in Children’s Homes, orphanages or other institutions, or in foster care. CLAN is also for anyone who has a close family member who…
The Victorian Adoption Network for Information and Self Help (VANISH Inc) started operating at 167 Drummond Street, Carlton on the 13th of February 1989. It is a self-help organisation which provides search, information and support services for people affected by adoption and donor conception. Until 2009, it also provided services to Forgotten Australians. In June…
The Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated in 2001 in Broome, Western Australia. The corporation has carried out activities and projects that acknowledge the experiences of members of the Stolen Generations and help them come to terms with it. The KSGAC Link Up Service also helps Aboriginal people of the Stolen Generations to search…
Jigsaw Search & Connect came into being in 2014. At that time, the organisation Adoption Jigsaw, Western Australia decided to change its constitution, and establish another organisation in Western Australia, called Jigsaw Search & Connect. Jigsaw Search & Connect is to provide services to people affected by foster care and other separated families. In December…
The Adoption Research and Counselling Service (Inc) is a professional counselling, support and information service for people who are or have been involved in adoption or foster families, as well as step and blended families and assisted reproductive technology.
The Association Representing Mothers Separated from their Children by Adoption Inc (ARMS) is a Western Australian-based support group for women who have had a child removed by adoption. ARMS aims to provide emotional support to women who have been separated from their children by adoption, and to educate the public about the lifelong effects of…