
Wujal Wujal Mission

The Wujal Wujal Mission was the new name given to the Bloomfield River Mission on 16 February 1980. Run by the Lutheran Church, the Wujal Wujal Mission closed in 1987.

Aurukun Mission

The Aurukun Mission was an Indigenous community situated south of Weipa in far north Queensland. Run by the Presbyterian Church, it opened in 1904. Children on the Mission were housed in dormitories from around the age of 11. The dormitory system of care was abolished in 1968. The Aurukun Mission was established on 4 August…

Preventative Home for Girls, Riverview

The Preventative Home for Girls, in Riverview, was run by the Salvation Army. The home opened in 1897 and housed neglected girls 15 years and under. It operated as an industrial school, with the girls undertaking domestic and agricultural tasks. In October 1898 the facility changed to an Industrial School for Boys. The girls were…

Mercy Family Services

Mercy Family Services delivers programs for children, young people and families in south-east Queensland, including residential care, foster care and kinship care. It is sponsored by the Brisbane Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy.

Boothville Mothers’ Hospital

Boothville Mothers’ Home, in Windsor, was operated by the Salvation Army. It was established in 1924 as a maternity home for single mothers and their babies. In the 1970s a brick maternity ward was added. Boothville closed in 1994. A 1947 report on Boothville Mothers’ Hospital made by an inspector for the Child Endowment scheme…

Archibald House

Archibald House, in New Farm, was a Presbyterian and Methodist Hostel for girls and young women. It was run by the Presbyterian and Methodist Church Council and opened in 1930. A closing date has not been determined, however it was still in operation in 1958. The two-storied timber home, known as ‘Glenugie’, was donated to…

Home of the Good Shepherd, Ormiston

The Home of the Good Shepherd, in Ormiston was run by the Sisters of the Sacred Advent at Ormiston House, near Cleveland. The home trained homeless girls aged 12 to 13 in domestic service, with girls initially transferred from the Home of the Good Shepherd, Nundah. It opened in 1897 and closed in 1913 as…

Xavier Home for Crippled Children

The Xavier Home for Crippled Children, in Coorparoo, operated from 1949 to 1994. The weatherboard house was purchased by the Xavier Society in the 1940s to become a Home for children afflicted by polio.  It was officially opened by Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane Duhig on 15 May 1949. From 1951, the Xavier Home was run by…

St Vincent’s Orphanage

The St Vincent’s Orphanage, in Nudgee, was operated by the Order of the Sisters of Mercy. It was established in 1867 when children were transferred from New Farm St Vincent’s to the property at Nudgee. In 1935 the name was changed to St Vincent’s Children’s Home. In the 1860s orphaned and homeless children were living…

The Committee of St Mary’s Church of England Home

The Committee of St Mary’s Church of England Home ran the St Mary’s Home, Taringa from 1907 to 1919 and the St Mary’s Home, Toowong from 1919 until it closed in 1991.