

Djooraminda was the new name given to Centrecare Children’s Cottages in 1992, accommodating Aboriginal children aged 0-15 years in family-type group Homes in metropolitan Perth and Northam. By 2012, Djooraminda was offering medium to long-term cottage-based, therapeutic placements for children aged 3-18 years. It remained open in 2014. Djooraminda was the new name given to…

Derby Hostel

Derby Hostel was established by the United Aborigines Mission in 1956 as a residential child care facility for Aboriginal children going to primary and high school in Derby. Until 1963, the Commissioner of Native Welfare was the guardian of all children at the hostel. In 1975, the Department for Community Welfare took over the running…

Cosmo Newbery Mission

Cosmo Newbery Mission, north-east of Laverton, was the new name given to the Cosmo Newbery Native Settlement when it was transferred to the United Aborigines Mission (UAM) by the Department of Native Affairs in December 1953. Until 1963, the Commissioners of Native Affairs and Native Welfare were the guardians of children placed at Cosmo Newbery….


Cooinda, in Mt Lawley, was established in 1966 by Methodist Homes for Children at the request of the Department of Native Welfare to accommodate Aboriginal schoolgirls attending high school in Perth. After 1977 it was run by the agencies of the Uniting Church and in 1987 it was transferred to the Department for Community Services….

Condingup Hostel

Condingup Hostel, near Esperance, was established by the Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission (AAEM) around 1967 to accommodate Aboriginal boys working on nearby farms. Some of these boys had been at Wongutha Mission. From January 1975, the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board (Inc.) (CCFAMB) ran the Condingup Hostel to provide training and support for…

Collins House

Collins House was a community-based specialist treatment facility developed by the Presbyterian Church in 1975, according to administration files from the Department. It was located in Mount Lawley.

Salvation Army Industrial School for Boys [Collie]

The Salvation Army Industrial School for Boys, Collie, opened in 1901 with fourteen boys sent from the Rottnest Reformatory. When the Industrial School closed in 1920, boys were sent to the Salvation Army’s reformatory, Seaforth, in Gosnells. The site was later used for the Coolangatta Farm and then the Collie Power Station. The Salvation Army…


Clontarf was established in Manning by the Christian Brothers in 1901. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse found the Christian Brothers were amongst the worst perpetrators of abuse nationally, that the relevant Christian Brothers Provincial Council was aware of allegations of abuse from the 1930s onwards, and that between 1947 and…

Centrecare Children’s Cottages

Centrecare Children’s Cottages was established in 1978 by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth to accommodate Aboriginal children in family-type Homes in Beverley, Northam, Brookton and Glendalough. Children and young people aged 0-15 years were admitted, often in sibling groups, either referred by the department responsible for child welfare, or as private admissions. In 1992, Centrecare…

Catholic Family Welfare Bureau (Perth)

The Catholic Family Welfare Bureau (CFWB) was established on 2 June 1970 as a part-time social work service of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, with a focus on children in Catholic institutions. In June 1977 it became part of Centrecare. The Catholic Family Welfare Bureau (CFWB) was established as a part-time agency of the Catholic…