
Carine House

Carine House was the new name given to Collins House in 1987. It was run by Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services, and provided community-based long or short term care in a cottage setting for boys and girls of any age with special needs. In 1997, Carine House moved to Marangaroo.


MercyCare was created in 2002 when the Mercy Community Services joined Mercy Hospital Mount Lawley to take over the service ministries of the Sisters of Mercy.

PICYS (Perth Inner City Youth Service) Household Network

PICYS (Perth Inner City Youth Service) Household Network was established in 1980 by a group of agencies, primarily churches. It first offered emergency accommodation for adolesents at ‘The Cave’ and ‘Streetwork’. By 1995 PICYS was offering medium and long term accommodation to young people who were homeless or in crisis. PICYS (Perth Inner City Youth…

Ebenezer Home

Ebenezer Home was established in 1968 in a private home and has since expanded to a number of homes in the northern suburbs of Perth, including Tuart Hill (Balcatta), Girrawheen, Marangaroo, and Balga. At first, it was an Aboriginal Education and Employment Hostel. In 1995 it provided emergency accommodation to up to 18 young women….

Uniting Church in Australia (Synod of Western Australia)

The Uniting Church in Australia (Synod of Western Australia) was formed on June 22, 1977, and inherited the legacy and records of these earlier churches in Western Australia: the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia. It also established the Uniting Church Child and Family Care Services…

Sisters of Nazareth

The Sisters of Nazareth, a Catholic religious order of women, were founded in London in 1851 by Mother St Basil (Victoire Larmenier 1827-1878). The Sisters of Nazareth began work in Australia in 1888. They were part of the Catholic Migration Scheme which brought children to Australia from Britain and Malta after World War II. The…

Sisters of St John of God

The Sisters of St John of God are a Catholic religious congregation. From 1895, the Sisters have been involved in running schools, hospitals and children’s homes in Western Australia. The Sisters of St John of God first arrived in Perth in 1895, at the request of Bishop Matthew Gibney. They set up a convent and…

Sisters of Mercy, Perth Congregation

The Sisters of Mercy, Perth Congregation, a Catholic religious order of women from Ireland, was established in 1846. The Sisters ran orphanages and children’s homes, operated maternity homes, hospitals and arranged adoptions. The Sisters were part of the Catholic Migration Scheme which brought children to Australia from Britain and Malta. In 1954 the Perth Congregation…

Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the organisation that once ran Karalundi and Wiluna missions. Its ‘Safe Place Services’ offers support for people who wish to raise a complaint about the church, its institutions or people. Seventh Day Adventistism was introduced into Western Australia in 1890, when John Stockton was involved…

Pallottines (Society of the Catholic Apostolates)

The Pallottines (Society of the Catholic Apostolate) in Australia are a male Catholic religious order of Priests and Brothers. They were established in Rome by Vincent Pallotti, which gives them the name, ‘Pallottine’. The Pallotines came to Australia in 1901 to work at Beagle Bay Mission and since then have been involved with many missions…