
Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited

Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited was formed in July 2017 and is the community services organisation of the Uniting Church of Australia in Victoria and Tasmania. At its establishment Uniting brought together 24 founding agencies, including 21 UnitingCare agencies and Wesley Mission Victoria. The Uniting Heritage Service is for people (and their family members) who…

Harrison Community Services

Harrison Community Services came into being in 1994. Previously it was known as Harrison House Youth Services. The name change reflected a broadening of services, to include families as well as young people. Run by the Uniting Church, it was based in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. In 2000, it became part of UnitingCare Victoria….

UnitingCare Harrison

UnitingCare Harrison was the new name given to Harrison Community Services in 2008. In 2017, UnitingCare Harrison became part of the new organisation, known as Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited.

Mission House

Mission House was the headquarters of the Mission to the Streets and Lanes. From the 1950s until the 1970s, some single mothers were accommodated at Mission House during their pregnancies. In 1952, the Mission relocated from Mission House in Spring Street, Melbourne, to new premises at 116 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy. In the early 1970s, Mission…

Catholic Women’s Social Guild

Catholic Women’s Social Guild was established in October 1916 in Victoria. One of the aims of the Catholic Women’s Social Guild was to improve the lives of women and children so it established Santa Casa in Queenscliff for children of poor parents in delicate health. The guild fundraised for Santa Casa while the Sisters of…

Santa Casa

Santa Casa was established in February 1918 by the Catholic Women’s Social Guild and the Sisters of Mercy in Queenscliff. Santa Casa was opened as a seaside rest home for ‘poor children in delicate health’ and was run by the Sisters of Mercy in their Queenscliff convent. Children were given a two week stay at…

Strathmore Lodge

Strathmore Lodge was established in 1953 as a girls’ home in Surrey Hills run by the United Protestant Association of Victoria. The home was shortlived and the property was sold in 1955. The State Council of the United Protestant Association of Victoria purchased a property at 18 Scottsdale St, Surrey Hills, in 1952 to establish…

The Salvation Army Australia Museum

The Salvation Army Australia Museum, also known as the Heritage Centre, holds historical records, memorabilia and photographs related to the Homes run by the Salvation Army in Australia. They also hold a digitised and searchable complete set of the Salvation Army magazine, War Cry. They do not hold any personal records of former residents. They…

Cortona Hostel

Cortona Hostel was established in 1973 in South Melbourne by the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau in association with the Society of St Vincent de Paul at North Melbourne. It accommodated girls with particular needs and aimed to work with them to find solutions to their problems. Cortona Hostel accommodated six girls at a time and…

Kangerong Hostel

Kangerong Hostel was established in 1975 by the Presbyterian Social Services to provide short-term accommodation for children who had lived in children’s homes. It’s location and date of closure are not yet known. If you have any more information about this home please contact the Find & Connect team.