
St John’s by the Sea

St John’s by the Sea, in Beach Road, Sandringham, was a cottage-style Home for 20 boys. It was run by St John’s Home for Boys. It opened in 1951, was still open in 1954, and possibly closed in 1958. The residents of St John’s by the Sea included child migrants from Britain. The Home was…

South Yarra Hostel

South Yarra Hostel was established in a vacant building on the Methodist Babies’ Home site. Run by Wesley Central Mission it was described as a ‘supportive hostel for young people’. The Mission closed down South Yarra Hostel in February 1982. The hostel’s residents were taken on as clients by the Richmond Fellowship of Victoria (a…

Ruthven Hostel

Ruthven Hostel was run by the St John’s Home for Boys and Girls in association with the Church of England Boys’ Society. Located in Reservoir, it provided accommodation for 6 to 8 boys. In the 1980s, the Church of England Boys’ Society established the Community Services Foundation Youth Welfare Trust, as a means of attracting…

Wandin Yallock Reformatory School

Wandin Yallock Reformatory School, or ‘Fernydale’, was opened in 1886 as a private reformatory for boys. Fernydale was established to reform ‘juvenile offenders’ by providing them with farm training. In 1893 Fernydale was proclaimed a reformatory under the Juvenile Offenders Act 1887 and received boys from the government reformatory which closed in April of that…

Girls’ Friendly Society (Victoria)

The Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS) was established in Victoria in 1883. The movement was originally established in England in the 1870s. It had strong links to the Church of England. In Melbourne, the GFS provided accommodation and services to immigrants and female travellers. According to O’Hanlon, the Girls’ Friendly Society ‘operated a system whereby unchaperoned…

Training Home for Girls

The Training Home for Girls was established in around 1880, as an institution where young women received training to become domestic servants. Originally, it was known as the Servants’ Training Institute. The Training Home for Girls was located in Berry Street, East Melbourne (Jolimont). It was run by a committee of management with links to…

Seventh Day Adventist Welfare Organisation

The Seventh Day Adventist Welfare Organisation was an arm of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, established in Victoria in 1886. The Seventh Day Adventist Welfare Organisation was one of the 22 private adoption agencies approved by the Adoption Act 1964. There are records relating to adoptions organised by the organisation in the collection of the…

Uniting – Connections

Uniting – Connections came into being in July 2017. Previously the organisation was called Connections UnitingCare. It was a community service organisation that was part of Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited. Uniting – Connections had an adoptions and permanent care program, and provided a range of services for children, young people and families. Its predecessor…

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand was established in 2008 as the formal framework for the mission of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. In 2014, Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service (Victoria) and Rosemount Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service (based in New South Wales) merged with Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand to become one…

The South Yarra Home

The South Yarra Home was an institution for ‘friendless and fallen’ women and girls was established around 1878 by Matthew Burnett, an evangelist who conducted a mission in Wesley Church. It was located at 17-19 Lang Street, South Yarra. In 1895, Wesley Central Mission took over responsibility from a local committee for running the South…