The Bayswater Boys’ Home was established by the Salvation Army in 1897 at The Basin. It accommodated boys who had been placed in legal custody. The campus included three Bayswater Boys’ Homes. These Homes closed progressively from 1980. The last, the Bayswater Youth Training Centre, closed in 1987. The Salvation Army established the Bayswater Boys’…
Lyndon Lodge was a hostel run by the Salvation Army to provide ‘aftercare’ for boys leaving the Bayswater Boys’ Homes. It opened in 1946 in a property known as ‘Talana’ in Auburn, an area of Hawthorn. It provided accommodation for up to 30 boys between the ages of 14 and 18 who were learning trades…
Baptcare (formerly known as Baptist Community Care) traces its origins back to 1945, when the Victorian Baptist Women’s Association’s fundraising efforts led to the establishment of Strathalan Community, an aged care facility in Macleod. Baptist Community Care became Baptcare in 2006. Baptist Community Care ran Abercare Family Services, which was a temporary care program operating…
The Baptist Union of Victoria (BUV) was formed in 1862, and is the umbrella organisation for over 200 Baptist churches in Victoria. In 1945, the Baptist Union of Victoria purchased a farm and homestead called Strathalan located in north-east Melbourne, where work was begun providing social services among the elderly. The Baptist Union of Victoria…
The Antonian Institute for Children, Richmond, was established in 1959 to cater for children from families of Italian origin, including state wards. The Home’s name was changed to the Antonian Children’s Home in 1966. The Antonian Institute for Children was established at 311 Church Street, Richmond in 1959. In January 1960, the Antonian Institute for…
The Daughters of Divine Zeal are an international Italian order of Catholic nuns. The Sisters arrived in Richmond, Victoria in 1959 to the parish of St Ignatius, to do apostolic work with Melbourne’s Italian migrants. They ran the Antonian Children’s Home in Richmond from 1959 until it closed in 1979. In 1980 it was converted…
The Allenby Lodge Young Women’s Hostel, at 410 Burwood Road, Glenferrie (Hawthorn) was established by the Salvation Army in 1919. It catered for young women from the Army’s Homes at Camberwell and Kew who were unable to return home, or to secure appropriate board and lodging. According to O’Hanlon, Allenby Lodge was designed ‘to provide…
The Alexandra Babies’ Home was established in around 1909. It housed up to 36 children aged under five years of age. Most were state wards. Many children were transferred to the Ballarat Orphanage when they were four. In 1964, it was known as the Alexandra Toddlers’ Home. It closed in 1973. The Alexandra Babies’ Home…
The Ballarat Female Refuge was established in 1867 by a group of protestant women, with the objective of reforming ‘prostitutes’. It became a shelter for single mothers. It was the first such institution on Australia’s goldfields. In 1921, the Refuge became part of the Ballarat Town and City Mission Rescue and Children’s Home. Initially, the…
Harrison House in Hawthorn was established in 1960. Run by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, it provided hostel-style residential accommodation for wards of state, boys on probation from the courts or institutions, and boys coming to Melbourne to find work from Kilmany Park in Gippsland. In its early years, it was known as Arthur Harrison…