
Uniting Church (Synod of Western Australia) Archives

The Uniting Church (Synod of Western Australia) Archives holds some records and information about out of home care that were created by the Methodist and Presbyterian churches and, after 1977, the Uniting Church in WA.

Wanslea Family Services

Wanslea Family Services was established as the Wanslea Hostel Committee in 1946 and incorporated as Wanslea Family Services Inc in 1948. It ran the Wanslea Children’s Home in Cottesloe and in 2013 offered foster care and other family support services.


Centrecare has been the the Catholic social services agency of the Archdiocese of Perth since 1977. Various programs have, and do, run under its umbrella. Centrecare has been involved in out of home ‘care’ but the organisation did not have a role in child migration, nor does it hold records relating to child migration. Centrecare…

Nedlands Library

The Nedlands Library has a local studies collection that includes information about the Salvation Army and children’s homes in the area.

Department for Child Protection and Family Support, State of Western Australia

The Department for Child Protection and Family Support (DCPFS) was created on 17 May 2013 as a new name for the Department for Child Protection. It is the lead agency responsible for the care and protection of children in Western Australia. On 1 July 2017, the Department for Child Protection and Family Support became part…

Global Mission Partners

Global Mission Partners (GMP) is an agency of the Australian Churches of Christ. In 2012, GMP merged with the Australian Churches of Christ Indigenous Ministries (ACCIM). ACCIM held photographs for children who had been in mission centres run by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Inc in Western Australia. These photographs are now…

The Grove Library

The Grove Library is a key repository for photographs and historical information about Children’s Homes and other institutions that were located in the Perth suburbs of Cottesloe, Mosman Park, Peppermint Grove and Buckland Hill. ‘The Grove’ also has a growing online image collection and a community history section. The Grove’s Community History Library welcomes donations…

Nulsen Haven Association (Inc)

Nulsen Haven Association (Inc) was established when the Mentally Incurable Children’s Association changed its name in 1986. It was a disability services organisation, providing services including accommodation, therapy, nursing, recreation, skill development programs, community participation, training and creative development.

Activ Foundation

Activ Foundation was established in 1989 when the Slow Learning Children’s Group changed its name to embrace all ages of people with intellectual disabilities and their potential for active participation as members of the Western Australian community.

St John of God Hospital, Subiaco

The St John of God Hospital (SJOGH) was opened by the Sisters of St John of God in the Perth suburb of Subiaco on 19 April 1898. It has been one of the largest hospitals in Western Australia. Many children in Catholic out of home care were treated at SJOGH Subiaco. Babies were born, fostered…