
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

The Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, situated at Herston, was established in 1967. It was previously known as the Brisbane Women’s Hospital. Lowson House, in Herston, was the psychiatric unit of the Brisbane Women’s Hospital (and later, the Royal Brisbane Hospital). Lowson House opened in the 1930s and closed in the 1980s.

Anglican Diocese of Rockhampton

The Anglican Diocese of Rockhampton is an Anglican Church diocese in the Province of Queensland and one of three dioceses in Queensland. The Rockhampton diocese was formed in 1892.

Centacare Brisbane

Centre Care Brisbane was the new name given to the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau in 1984. In 1991 the name was updated to Centacare Brisbane. Centacare is the welfare agency of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. First established in the late 1950s as a Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, the service has evolved…

Cootharinga North Queensland

Cootharinga North Queensland was previously known as the Cootharinga Society of North Queensland. In 2002 the organisation gained membership with Ability First Australia.

Hospitaller Brothers of St John of God

The Hospitaller Order of St John of God came to Australia from Ireland in 1947 to care for people experiencing disadvantage. The Brothers began ministries in New South Wales and Victoria, and then in Christchurch, New Zealand, focusing initially on learning difficulties and intellectual disability, then on psychiatric care and child and family social services….

BoysTown Ltd

BoysTown Ltd became a registered company in 2002. The organisation’s heritage dates back to the BoysTown residential institution in Beaudesert, which existed between 1961 and 2001. BoysTown runs services for children, young people and families, including the national Kids Helpline. It also delivers employment, training and counselling services in Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales,…

Department of Justice and Attorney General

The Department of Justice and Attorney General took control of Queensland juvenile detention institutions and related records in 2012. Previously the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services controlled Youth Justice.

Records and Archives Centre, Anglican Church Southern Queensland

The Records and Archives Centre was established in 1979 as the official repository of the records of the Anglican Church within the Diocese of Brisbane. There are more than 140 parishes and 315 churches within the Diocese. By the authority of the Records and Archives Canon (1992), all diocesan and parish records are to be…

UnitingCare Queensland

UnitingCare Queensland is the health and community service provider of the Uniting Church. It provides health and community services through its service streams – Child and Family Services, UnitingCare Health, Blue Care and ARRCS (Australian Regional and Remote Community Services). UnitingCare Queensland holds some records relating to Homes run by the former Methodist, Presbyterian and…

State Library of Queensland

The State Library of Queensland was established in 1896 and opened in 1902. The State Library is the legal deposit library for Queensland, the main reference and research library of Queensland and its primary role is to ensure Queensland’s documentary heritage is collected, preserved and made accessible to the public. The Library holds some records…