Bethany Boys’ Home, run by the Churches of Christ, opened in Dover in 1947 and moved to Lindisfarne in 1956. Up to 18 boys, mostly wards of state aged between 2 and 18, lived there. From 1971 onwards, the Home also accepted girls. It closed in 1978. The gift of a house and land at…
Maylands Salvation Army Home for Girls in New Town was formerly the Hobart Girls’ Industrial School. The Trustees of the School handed it over to the Salvation Army on 31 January 1945. The Home accepted girls aged between two and 16 and boys between two and five. About half were wards of state. Maylands closed…
Barrington Boys’ Home, run by the Salvation Army, opened in New Town in 1946. Some of the boys had committed an offence. The rest were either wards of state or admitted by their relatives. The Home closed in 1981. Barrington Boys’ Home was in New Town. When it opened, it had a capacity for 40…
The Northern Tasmanian Home for Boys opened in Glenara in 1921. Before 1946, most of the boys were state wards. After that, the Home also admitted them by private arrangement. In 1971, the name changed to Glenara Northern Tasmanian Home for Boys. It became Glenara Children’s Home in 1973. The Northern Tasmanian Home for Boys…
Kennerley Boys’ Home opened in West Hobart in 1869. As an industrial school, it provided accommodation and training for boys considered to be neglected. In 1969, it became Kennerley Children’s Home. On 20 March 1876, the wealthy businessman, philanthropist, and Premier, Alfred Kennerley (1810-97), issued a Deed of Gift to enable ‘The Boys’ Home’, established…
Clarendon Children’s Home, run by the Anglican Church, opened in 1922 in New Town, on the same site as the Home of Mercy (the two Homes were jointly run by the Church of England). Clarendon Children’s Home accommodated children over the age of three (babies and younger children were at the Home of Mercy). In…
The Exodus Youth Shelter opened in 1985 in Edwardstown. It was run by the Christian Family Centre, an independent church organisation. The shelter provided accommodation for children affected by family breakdowns, youth violence and drug abuse. It accommodated a number of State children and received a subsidy from the government to assist with their care….
The Finniss Springs Mission was established by the United Aborigines’ Mission (UAM) north west of Marree, in 1939. It operated as a Mission, a Mission school and a government ration station. A dormitory for Aboriginal children whose parents worked away from the Mission was operating by 1944. Approximately 75 people resided at the Mission in…
The Point McLeay Mission Station was established at lake Alexandrina by the Aborigines’ Friends’ Association in 1859. Dormitories were set up at the Mission for orphan Aboriginal children. When Poonindie Mission closed in 1894 some families were transferred to Point McLeay. The State Government took control of the Mission in 1916 and the dormitories were…
The Swan Reach Mission was established by the United Aborigines Mission [UAM] at Swan Reach in 1926. A rented cottage was used as the Mission House and a school opened at the Mission in early 1926 to provide Christian education to local Aboriginal children. The site at Swan Reach was prone to flooding and permanent…